Pretty boy

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A/n: this is a Stiles Stilinski fic that was requested on tumblr


"I have an idea," Liam suggested as he threw another branch into the fire, looking up to see if you were listening to him, an instant frown settling onto his lips when your eyes met. "Why do you look surprised?"

"Didn't know you had those, to be honest. Come on, Dunbar, you're very good-looking but we all know that there's not a single thought behind those pretty blue eyes," you teased, smiling brightly as he shook his head at you, dusting his hands off against his pants.

"Why are you so mean to me, McCall?" he pondered out loud, making his way around the bonfire, slowly beginning to inch towards you.

"Well, someone has to keep you grounded, there's so much volume in your hair, I'm scared that you might drift off," you noted, faux sincerity dripping from your lips as you nodded slowly.

"I hate you," he quipped back with a faux expression of his own as he offered you a fake smile, pulling at his sleeves before launching for you, a loud giggle erupting from your lips as you ran in the opposite direction, not even paying attention to where you were going, a puff of air leaving your mouth as you ran right into your brother.

"Honestly," Scott sighed, gently pushing you away from him as he gave you a soft warning glare, the look extending to Liam as well as he stumbled to a halt behind you. "What are we? Children?"

"Liam is certainly old enough to be considered as such," you mused, not amusing at all as Liam muttered objections under his breath, Scott's gaze zeroing in on you. "Calm down, Scott we're just having some fun, you remember what that is, yeah?"

"No having fun until everything is set up and everyone is here," Scott groaned, tone one which you knew well as you scoffed lightly under your breath. "Y/n- "he paused, noticing that even though it was hidden by the layers of your coat and scarf, the jersey you were wearing looked awfully familiar. "Is that mine?" he frowned, eyes deciphering the pattern that would go unnoticed in the dark if not for his eyes.

"No," you answered calmly, watching intrigued as he took your hand from your side, tugging the sleeve out just far enough for you to be able to read the stitching.

"It has my name on it."

"Which is a problem in and of itself, what self-respecting college student has his name stitched into his clothes?" you quipped in reply, scoffing, turning to Liam to silently request some support on the statement, only to find him shaking his head.

"Liam," Scott began and offered the beta a brief nod as he dropped your hand. "Continue," his words were more tactical than anything, having heard the Jeep coming to a rattled halt just far enough for it to remain out of your view. And as planned, you came to a sudden stop, almost tripping over your own feet when you realized with a shock who just pulled up to your little celebration.

"Why are you running?" Stiles asked with a nonchalant smile, one hand closing the door of the jeep as the other slid out of his pocket in anticipation of the deadly hug that was sure to follow.

"Stiles," you breathed, not truly believing that the moment was real as he laughed softly.

"Hi, monkey," he replied and huffed when you barrelled into his arms, hands grabbing at his back almost desperately as the familiar scent of his cologne welcomed you home. His hands were gentle as one scratched at your scalp lightly, the other holding you against him for just a second longer. "What did you do?" he asked, still not letting go as he looked over your head at Liam who was very uncomfortably watching the little exchange.

"She bullied me," Liam announced, and your scoff was muffled by your boyfriend's shirt. "And she stole Scott's jersey," he added as sort of an afterthought.

"It looks better on me," you noted as you turned in Stiles' hold, looking up at him instead of looking at Liam, an instant smile slipping onto your lips when you found Stiles' eyes waiting to meet yours.

"It really does," he agreed, kissing the tip of your nose as Liam sighed. "Liam, could you give the grownups a minute," Stiles suggested, and Liam was close to protesting when a soft kiss was placed onto your lips, the young beta having no desire to witness any more as he stumbled away. "You have no idea how much I've missed you," he mused, another brisk kiss left on your lips as you hummed against his lips, hands shifting to his waist as his gently cupped your face

"I think I might have a bit of an idea," you furrowed your brows as you got an idea. "I don't want to let go," you informed him, arms tightening around him. "Stay here with me, pretty boy."

"Oof," he breathed, puffing out a small breath of air before leaning down to steal yet another quick kiss. "You're out for murder tonight, hmm?" he teased, and you nodded, making sure to give him the exact look he'd faltered under, countless times before. "You're adorable," he sighed and scrunched his nose at your antics. "But we've got a graduation to celebrate and people to entertain, you'll have to settle for holding my hand, for now," he gave you an amused grin as you groaned at him.

"Fine," you scoffed, though not at all upset. "But I won't let go of you until we leave," you threatened, and he nodded.

"That's the plan, baby."

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now