And whatever comes after that

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The Originals crossover imagine for Lovemonkey97  , hope you like it.  Xx


"For the lady..." Rebecca says with a smile, holding out my glass of wine for me.

"Thank you." I say, taking the glass in my hand before refocusing my gaze on the dancefloor where the last few people are still keeping up with the silly beat of the current 60's song. "You'd think they would have given up by now." I say, laughing softly as I point down to where Hailey and Elijah are dancing, attempting to keep a somewhat respectable distance between them. Rebecca smiles as she moves to rest her glass on the banister of the balcony.

"You'd also think he'd have officially made a move by now, but my big brother does things in his own little way." She tells me, smiling still as her eyes linger for a sweet second on Marcel Gerard who is making quite the show of the way he's twirling around his date, her dress shifting higher up her thigh with every turn. Rebecca scoffs softly, taking another large sip of her drink.

"He's not the only one." I say with a raised brow, her glass making a soft clinking noise against her ring when she grips onto her glass tighter, eyes drawn tight to show me she's not exactly pleased with my statement.

"I don't know what you're implying, Arica Hale, but I'd remind you to think very carefully about what you're going to say next." She says and turns to face me, leaning forward to make sure I can hear her. "You may very well be my dearest friend and my brother may very well be completely smitten with you, but I'm not above kicking your ass." She tells me and though her words would prompt a serious tone, I catch the little smile that slips onto her lips when our eyes meet.

"I have yet to see you try, Rebecca." I offer in reply, laughing lightly as she shakes her head. "Besides." I start, taking a sip of wine before handing her my glass. "I'd have to remind you that you'd be ruining your own clothing in the process." I tell her as I move to do a slow twirl and she gasps softly, taking in the Audrey Hepburn inspired ensemble, the black dress and gloves being something that Rebecca had kept from her time spent in the actual decade. Her shock sinks into a small grin as she looks me over, eyes lingering on the pearl necklace we brought at a secondhand boutique last week.

"You look perfectly in place." She tells me and nods towards the hallway behind us. "Maybe you could convince my brother to step out of his hole long enough to save you a dance." She says and squeezes my arm softly as she passes by me, losing the glasses on her way down the stairs where she calmly clears the last few guest from the dancefloor and out the door, waving quickly as she closes the door of the ballroom behind her.

I smile, the music seeming louder somehow now that I'm alone in here and I find myself almost drifting down the stairs. I hum to myself, dancing towards the drink table. Swaying to the rhythm as I start piling empty platter and used plates together.

"You missed the party." I say softly, not stopping what I'm doing as I hear him still on the balcony above. "It was quite the turnout." I add, stepping back from the table to look up at him, his lips tilting into a lopsided grin when he sees me.

"My apologies, love." He shrugs eyes darkening as they slowly make their way from my lips downwards, lingering for a second on the pearls around my neck before slipping lower and lower, until he clears his throat softly, meeting my gaze in an instant. "I clearly had no idea what I'd be missing out on." He tells me, voice low as he pulls a hand through his hair.

"Maybe you should come down here and get a better look." I offer, tone matching his as I step back even more, slowly making my way to the dancefloor where he meets me in mere seconds, hands carefully resting on my waist as I move slowly to sway to the gentle melody, eyes glued to his as he lets out a soft breath.

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