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The room of the quint motel room was quiet, the only sounds filling the air were the combined breathing of you and Derek as you stared at the paint cracks in the ceiling. His finger was brushing up and down your arm from where his hand crawled up from beneath you, your hand drawing the faintest shapes on his bare chest as you tried to swallow a smile, the content that filled your body making your nerves vibrate with happiness.

It was Eli's idea to send the two of you away for a little romantic getaway once summer break rolled around, he was left in the loving and teenager-friendly hands of Melissa while the two of you booked into a motel upstate, closer to the forest, just like you prefer3ed it. Your relationship had been developing far quicker than either of you expected and though you were happy with the little instant family you'd found, it was definitely good to have some alone time again, even just for a little while.

"Do you think Melissa is doing okay?" you pondered out loud, having spent a few too many minutes worrying about Eli being too much for her to handle, she might have survived a Scott, but surviving an Eli was a different story. "Like do you think we should call to check in?"

"I think she's fine," he breathed, the smile on his lips was a familiar one, one he couldn't control as easily as the others, it was because this family thing came so easily to you that it made his heart soar every time. "We can call him tomorrow if you want," he knew you would want to, knew that as new as being in Eli's life was to you, it was a role you filled perfectly.

"Sorry," you were shy in responding to that, shifting to lean onto his chest more, taking the sheet with you to create a layer between your bodies, cheeks warming and making you feel slightly silly as he raised a brow at you. "I just feel a little bad stealing his dad from him for so long," he cupped your cheek, always eager to have a hand on you in some way, basking in the look of bliss that you couldn't hide even if you tried.

"I'm sure he doesn't mind," he noted, thumb brushing a fallen lash from your cheekbone, humming when you leaned into the touch, a little hint of pride circling his stomach that you reacted to him so naturally. "As I know him, I don't think sending us away was just for our benefit alone," fair enough, you thought, he was a teenager after all. "Now why don't we stop worrying about things back home and enjoy our time together instead," his suggestion was paired with a soft smirk, far too little of a gesture to make your spine tingle as it did. "You tired yet?" you shook your head, but he could tell it wasn't completely true, your heartbeat gave you away.

"Maybe a little," your admission was followed by a small yawn, his eyes softening as you brought a hand up to cover it, never failing to look absolutely adorable doing the most mundane little things. "I don't want to go to sleep yet."

"That's risky," he teased, squeezing your waist gently, forcing you closer, practically moving you right on top of you as you rested your elbows on his chest to prop you up. "If you don't get enough sleep we risk having a grumpy girl in the morning."

"I think we should risk it," you replied quickly, stealing a quick kiss and smiling instantly when he smiled against your lips, not surprised when he stole a few more in return, pleased when you groaned lightly at him pulling away, head pushing back into the pillow to see you.

"You take many risks then, sweetheart?" he had a feeling that he knew what the answer would be, but he was eager to hear you say it even if he knew. You shook your head, raising a hand to his head, dragging your finger through his hair slowly, and thoughtfully, humming to yourself as you took him in.

"None," you admitted and you wanted to kiss him again he looked so sweet, so concentrated, taking in every word or lack thereof as he waited ever patiently for you to finish. "My biggest risk was saying yes when you asked me out," you explained with a smile, just the thought of everything the two of you'd faced since then was enough to make your heart skip around in your chest. "Dating an older guy with a kid and a reputation?" you shook your head in faux seriousness. "Risky business."

"You think it paid off?" his arms circling your body were answer enough, the sheet slipping away in the process leaving you chest to chest and earning yet another flash of heat in your cheeks.

"I'm not sure yet," you bit your lip to hide the smirk that begged to tilt into your face, managing the perfect look of innocence as you locked eyes with him.

"Oh?" he caught onto what you were doing right away, a smirk of his own on his lips as he flipped the two of you over, almost breaking when your giggles filled the room, hands grasping his shoulders as your eyes softened even more, if possible. "Guess I need to show you what I'm good for?"


"Well, trouble, you said you didn't want to sleep," your giggles grew louder as his lips brushed over your jawline, lowering in their well-known torturingly slow pace down your neck and taking a little detour across your shoulder blade, a sensation that tickled through your entire body. When he looks up with a devilish grin hidden behind the kindest and most loving eyes, you knew, though you'd never doubted it before, that the risk most definitely paid off. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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