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Claire_tcy ... Quick note before hand, normal writings are the present and the italics the letter. Whole thing is in Dereks pov. 



Claire Argent

1 Hallow road

Beacon Hills

1 August 2017

From: Derek Hale. PUERTO RICO

Werewolves, Coyotes, Banshees even Kanimas. This world we've been living in has been cruel  and unfair but I believe of all the awful things,  meeting you had to be the worse of my fate to be tested.

Bullets, bombs, ash and dust. In Beacon Hills normal seemed optional. People fight and people get hurt but no wounds last forever, for healing takes seconds and time takes pain.

Destruction, torment and torture but death has never been feared, for immortality is a prize wanted but hated. Losing you might be worse than death for  your suffering can not be controlled or managed.

In this life I  didn't choose for myself I've learned that being feared brings respect. But when I saw you I didn't see fear nor respect but what I saw was power.

Not physical or even emotional but you were one person who could not only change the way we looked at everything but change everything within itself.

I don't know love, I never have. I was a child when I thought I did. My world shattered and my heart shook, for love is foreign and pain is kind.


You were a bombshell  Claire. Every minute with you was either heaven or hell no in between and nothing I've ever seen.

I wanted you. Oh like I needed air I needed you.. You made me breath and you made me choke but life without you was a future I  never wanted to know.

The sun could never refuse to shine but you somehow did. Now clouds are life and darkness is home..

Funny isn't. How we only fear loss when it knocks on doors. Funny how we don't feel until we burst and don't hurt until it burns.

You were a wildfire in my muscles Claire and watching you parish was like watching flowers bloom, it's slow and steady.

I wanted it to stop. And I thought it would. Leaving would avoid feelings.

Goodbye Claire.



Present day, Puerto Rico.

The air swirls as the door of the bar opens up once again. The music raises in volume as the voices fade and the minute I hear a lisp I feel my heart stop. Her French voice drifts through the air landing on the ear of every man in the misty room and I have to fight the urge to cover her up with something. Her milky skin is revealed under a sexy little red dress I know she chose to spite me.  Her lips curve into a spiteful smile as she slips into the arms of a stranger, her hips move with rhythm and energy as she gently glides almost grinding against him.

Disgust and anger roles into my chest as I pull her into my own arms. She smiles even wider and her heart beat raises for a second as we touch for the first time. "Missed me?" she muses as her lips graze my earlobe. If possible the music grows even louder and her body moves in a goddess like movement against mine causing me to want her even more than I already do. 

"What the hell are you doing here Claire." I look at her once more and her thin figure seems to be the main focus of every sweaty dancer in the room. I pull her back from a spin and turn her to be facing the wall. "Dressed like that." 

We move together, our bodies in perfect sync and her eyes hold every piece of emotion I wanted to avoid. The way her little figure follows the music makes me feel a way that I never thought was possible. She turns and dances with her back towards me while gently sliding from left to right, the smell of her perfume invades my senses as her moving body causes her neck to lean closer and closer to face. It is slow and unnerving and I need to control my thoughts or I might lose myself in her.

"I didn't think you would mind, given you left the country and all. Say Derek, do you leave all your friends when they are bleeding out in your living room." She moves back, only to be pushed up against a wall and when her little dress shifts I see the pink strand of regrown flesh. The scar stretches away from the ends of the material and the thought of that beast clawing at her makes me boil.  

"Did you get my letter." She laughs and moves closer to me once more all while keeping up with the song. 

"You mean the bullshit excuse of a goodbye letter you left in my hospital bed." She grimaces. "How cowardly of you Derek Hale, I would have been fine with nothing at all, but a vague letter pleading your utter torment and desires was just-"

"Bullshit." she nods at my response and then looks at me with our eyes locking in the moment and this time, instead of spite or seduction I see sadness. I wish I could just tell her. Why I left and why I am here and especially why I left that stupid poetic letter. 

She stumbles toward the door and outside I find her sitting on the hood of a Jeep. 

"I woke up the next day in agony and with such fear and all I wanted was to see your stupid face at the end of my bed, instead I saw the faces of people who got me in that place. I didn't want some sort of praise for saving you Derek but I at least wanted to know you were in fact okay. My parents went wild with rage. Putting my life in danger for a hound and his pack. Allison died doing the same and I used to think it was insane, who would protect someone like you. A wolf who has caused some humans nothing but pain. That letter was all I had and you so perfectly described how you felt seeing me suffer but you never once thought about the pain you left in your absence."

I sit down next to her and as our shoulders touch I thought she would move away  but she does not. We both stare at the son setting before us its a perfect scene and I am here with the perfect girl and I can not believe myself if I say that I am doing this to  protect her somehow. When in reality I was just trying to stop myself from feeling, from looking at her and avoid the lust in her eyes and the fire in my veins as she speaks or walks or breathes. I want her and the fact that she is here with me means something more than pure attraction. 

She turns to look at me and I do the same. The fading light emphasizes the glow of her beauty and for the first time I don't have to fight the urge to have her closer than acceptable. I cup her face and I lean in close, so close our lips almost meet and just as her heart thumps I kiss her, It is hunger and lust and we urgently grasp at one another but as it grows deeper as she grows calmer, I feel it in the movement of her lips..



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