A Bloody Idiot

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Request for @devilxamy . Enjoy. 


"You're late." I shout as I close the door behind me, shaking my head as the rain continues to fall around the car heavily.'

"Sorry, my mom doesn't let me drive in the rain." Scott reminds me and reaches back to pull a jacket from the backseat, throwing it at me before he starts the car. "So, my house or your boyfriend's?" He asks and I shrug as I drape the jacket over my wet clothes.

"Derek's, I think. He's been busy this week, so I might as well stop by to see how he's doing." I tell him and he nods slowly, eyes stuck on the road as he visibly tries to stop himself from saying anything. I sigh, moving to make myself comfortable as I turn towards him. "Say it." I say and he glances over at me quickly.

"Say what?"

"Whatever you're trying so hard not to." I explain and he sighs as well, removing one hand from the steering wheel to fix his hair. "He left you in the rain." He starts and uses the same hand to stop me from defending him. "Don't. He could've called you or something, is all I'm saying. I mean what kind of person does that?" He ends, eyes stern as he looks at me.

"He doesn't have a phone." I retort with a tired sigh, knowing damn well that we've had this discussion before. "And he's busy." I add and for a sweet second I realize that I'm trying to convince myself just as much as I'm convincing him.

"So am I, but I made time to come and save your ass from the rain, didn't I?" He says and shakes his head. "He should try harder, is all I'm saying. You deserve that much." He ends and smiles sweetly when I ruffle his hair.

"You're too sweet for your own good, Scott." I say and his smile grows, a slight blush on his cheeks before he turns to me with a raised brow.

"Couldn't you just dry yourself?" He nods. "You know, like with a spell or something?" He adds and I laugh softly at his eagerness.

"There isn't a spell for everything, Scott. Besides, you know I don't do magic anymore." I say and warm my hands by moving them up and down against each other.

"Can your parents really track you like that, you know by feeling when you're using magic?" I shake my head.

"Well it's more complicated than that, it involves my blood and a map and a lot of chanting, but basically as soon as I use my magic they get a surge of power and that helps the whole process." I explain, Scott nodding to himself as he takes in the information with a frown.

"I'm sorry." He says and I raise a brow at him. "I know it's not your favorite thing to talk about." He says and I smile.

"It's fine, Scott. There's no point trying to ignore it, besides, my family has been trying to get rid of my kind for years, it's hardly a surprise that the same notion goes for me."

"But you parents...""

"Are insane, derived of reason and downright idiotic, there is no love loss there. Besides if I hadn't ran away from there, I'd never have met any of you and that includes Derek." I tell and sigh, feeling bad for my snippy tone. "Okay, no more magic talk. If I am to successfully hide this from Derek, then we can't be casually chatting about it this close to the loft." I explain, giving him a serious look as I turn around in my seat, throwing his jacket to the backseat.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now