Request Form

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Here is the request form you need to use while submitting a request for an imagine. Request will be completed as I find inspiration for them and also I'll still write my own imagines in the mean time so please don't get pushy when your request isn't done immediately or is done after I've written my own imagines. This has happened in the past and the result has always led to a short and rushed story which isn't exactly great. So I'm basically just asking you guys to please be patient. Please only submit requests via DM to ensure that I see them and write them for you. Password for requests is your favourite song from the 80's. Request without the password will not be completed because then I know you didn't read this. Also just a reminder, I personally only write imagines for Derek, but I do accept requests for the rest of the guys excluding Brett becauseI personally find his character somewhat dense.

1. Name, surname and possible nickname.

2. Personal description of yourself with details such as hair colour, eye colour, height and whatever else you'd like to be included in the description of yourself.

3. A short but specific description of the plot idea that you have, to make it easy for me to write an imagine off of it.

4. Any other specifics you'd like to include, such as season of Teenwolf, other characters you'd like to include, mood of the imagine, setting of the imagine, relation you have to specific characters or whether you're human or not.

That being said, request are officially open so if you're feeling creative give me a shout. Thank you. Lots of love.


𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now