Call me

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"I really don't want to shoot him." I whisper to myself as I grip the gun between my fingers, pointing it at his head regardless. 

"You don't have to." He counters, lifting his hands in the air when he steps closer to me. "You could just let me go." He tells me with a low voice and I sigh, avoiding the way his green eyes follow me. 

"It's not that easy. If I let you go, I have about six assholes breathing down my neck telling me how useless I am." I drop my arms to my side, looking around annoyed. "And that's just at home. Then I have to issue a statement and if they really want to teach me a lesson, they'll put me in morning training.  Do you know how hard it is to concentrate on physics when every muscle in your body is on fire?" I look to him for an answer and he scoffs. 

"Must be tough." He answers sarcastically, dropping his arms as well when he registers that I'm no longer pointing a gun at him. "Much worse than being hunted down like some animal despite doing nothing wrong." He adds bitterly, folding his arms over his chest as he leans back against a tree. 

"Right, sorry." I smile up at him awkwardly and he raises a brow. "It's not like I want to do this, just so we're clear." I defend and he just shakes his head.  "It's true. I find it cruel. But it comes from a place of fear and a need for power, which is why I refuse to conform to it.  There is a sort of arrogance behind bringing a gun to fight a person with teeth and claws. " I tell him with a shrug and his expression fills with amusement. 

"A hunter who won't hunt." He scoffs. "Kind of pathetic." 

"Belittlement is pointless." I comment, rolling my eyes as I turn the gun around between my fingers. "Here." I say as I hold it out for him to take, he frowns. "I told you, I can't just let you go." I clarify and he continues staring at me confused. 

"So you want me to shoot you?" He asks dryly. 

"Yes. But just in the shoulder or in my thigh. Nowhere near the important stuff, but bad enough for me not to be able to chase you." I walk towards him and shove the gun against his chest, removing my grip so he has to catch it. 

"I am not shooting you!" He says loudly, holding the gun like it's dipped in poison. 

"Come on, it's not like I don't deserve it. " I nod at him while moving his arms so that the gun is lifted and pointed at me. "Besides, the other guys didn't even think twice about it." I explain with a shrug. 

"You've done this before?"

"What, did you think you were special." I smile. "Like I said, I can't just let you guys go. I'd rather look like a bad fighter than be a bad person." I reach forward and click back the safety of the gun. "Just do it."

"No." He protests simply, his eyes locking with mine as I step back. 

"Why the hell not?" I ask annoyed. 

"What do you mean why not? I don't hurt innocent people." He tells me with a scoff and I sigh. 

"Neither do I. So either you shoot me or I shoot myself. Do you want to have that on your conscience?" 

"No one is shooting anyone." He retorts and in the same breath he throws the gun against a tree next to me making it shatter into pieces. I inhale sharply at the sight, knowing that I'll have to pay for a new one.  I look back at him and when he catches my gaze he furrows his brows. He seems to think for a moment before lifting his hands and growing his claws. "Come here." He commands softly and I trail my focus between his hands and his face, confused.  He smiles. "Just come here." He repeats and I roll my eyes, letting out a sigh before stepping closer to him. 

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now