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It has been two months since that witch banned me out of Beacon Hills and trapped me in this abandoned house . No one comes in and no one goes out. I walk the same empty rooms every day. I see the same shops from my window. I read the same newspaper. I live the same dang day in repeat.

Lucinda Parks, a 61 year old witch with the power of five covens combined. Her enemies are more than can be counted, her allies are powerful and resourceful. I guess when Derek Hale of all people warn you to stay away from certain people, you should listen.

The wolf of Woodland, the first wolf created not by bite or born but by spell. She is stronger then any wolf known in history. Created by the very witch I should have stayed away from. Legend says she created the wolf to scare away those who defied her. Now of course you are asking why I am talking about an urban legend.

The wolf of Woodland is an orphan girl who was kidnapped and trained to be a monster. Her real name is Amber L/N . She was my mother. I devoted my life to finding her. I searched every city and every town until I could not take it anymore. My friends tried to help me but I pushed them away,  the overpowering need to find her was controlling me .

In my search I found Derek Hale. He brought me back from that dark place I had gone. He saved me from myself. Showed me love and kindness without expecting anything in  return. He accepted everything I've become even though he never knew the girl I used to be.

She was so different. Her presence created a joy. She was so free and innocent. Naive. Believing the world is a wonderful place. A safe place. She was so much more than what I am now. But she would soon see the horrible monsters hiding in the shadows. Feel the pain of secrets kept. The fear of not knowing who could be trusted. Everything she thinks she knows would be revealed as one gigantic lie.

This little house may not be the greatest place to be but in the end it was the only choice I had. The legend goes on in saying that the wolf of woodland had the power to make a werewolf human again.

I have been running from my father since I turned 16. It has been two years of hiding and living in fear of what is waiting around the next corner. He wants to build a pack and having his daughter under his full control would show the amount of power he had. I refused to become a monster, my father became infused with rage. Every second of his day was spent torturing me,telling me the only way to stop the pain was to take the bite. I fled as far as I could. I found out about my mother through a woman named Talia Hale, only later I realized the connection she had with Derek.

There was one thing about the legend of my mother, was the fact that everyone who came close to her would either disappear or end up dead, both of those options seemed better then the life I've been living. If I found her though, if I could just tell her who I am, maybe I could convince her to take away my father's power and I would finally be free.

I was so close. I tracked her down to a small town outside California by following the blood of her victims. Her eyes shone in the darkness of the alley. Pain shot at my skull. Sinking to the ground I covered my ears attempting to shut out the chanting. The voices, they became louder. And then it became dark.

I woke up here. Unable to leave these four walls. Every week I would wake up and find a basket of food in the kitchen, enough to keep me fed for another week. At first I tried to find out who left the basket. One night I stayed awake to see who it was. It was the same as the night I found the wolf. Pain and chanting followed by darkness.

There are a lot of questions. Why did the witch send me here instead of killing me ? Why is the witch providing for me ? Why had my father not come to find me ?

But at the end it isn't important. I'm safe here and at the end of the day I am more happy then I've been in a while. Despite the fact that I'm stuck in one little house for the rest of my life, I'm free.


Lying on the little couch I stare blankly at the words on the page. There's a slight shimmer in the kitchen as the lights turn on. "Hey Lucinda." I shout assuming she stopped by to drop of the basket.

"No such luck." The voice is right behind me. So deep and manly not like the teenage boy I left behind. I sit completely still afraid that if I turn around he wouldn't be there and it would be just another cruel trick my mind played.

Footsteps echo behind me the sound growing louder as it approaches. "Y/n." He is in front of me. His face is handsome much like it was when we were younger. His eyes are kind like they've always been. His cheekbones are strong and sharp. A slight sign of a beard starting to grow. He crouches down a smile forming on his plum lips. His hands fold in front of him allowing the muscles in his arms to tighten.

The book falls from my hands. Slowly I throw my legs over the couch to the front. I'm sitting right in front of him. Biting my lip I carefully reach out my hand. I'm inches away from his chest and then I touch him, the soft material of his maroon shirt soft against my fingers. I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in. I gently move my hand from his chest to his shoulder and from his shoulder to his neck. The corners of my lips pull up in a smile. "It's you." I whisper more to myself. I bring my other hand to his neck as well. Reaching forward Derek pulls me down to the ground in front of him.

"It's me." He replies pulling me into his chest. My body melts against his, as the warmth of his touch covers me.

We sit in silence for what feels like forever as both of us take in the other's scent, appreciating the closeness of our bodies. But as if my brain turns on again my head starts filling with all these questions. And for the life of me I don't know why this is the first one I ask.

"So, have you missed me." I can feel Derek's smile against my cheek as he pulls away.

"Very much so." He comments pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"How are you here." The joy disappears from his face and worry fills his eyes. "What did he do." Derek sighs.

"He killed Lucinda and used her memories to find you. I came as soon as I heard. I knew I wouldn't be in time to stop him but I wanted to be here to help you fight him." I am not surprised by what my father did, only by the time it took for him to find me.

Derek is watching my every move. He can't stay though. My father will kill him before he has the chance to strike. I feel him near. The scar on my arm is burning, like it does every time he comes close. I finally look back at Derek.

"You never took your prize." I smile thinking back at the bet we made before I had to leave.

"And you think now would be the right time to collect."

"I think it's the perfect time." Derek brings his hand up to my chin, his finger gently moves from the corner of my lip to the other corner. I swallow hard. His eyes flicker from my eyes to lips before he leans down and kisses me.

His lips taste like salt. He pulls away and I look at him puzzled. He gently wipes his thumbs over my cheeks and I realize I am crying. There are so many things I want to say to him. Stories I want to tell. Feelings I want to share. But there isn't time. There is never time. But for now this is all I could ask for. It's the perfect goodbye.

"Der could you get me a tissue, first room on the left in the first drawer." He nods and kisses my forehead before getting up and walking to the bathroom. I tip toe after him. He walks in and opens the drawer. His eyes show confusion as my hand starts moving the door but I look away. I won't let him get hurt for me.

After shutting the door I make sure to lock it as well. They are already in the house. I hear them. I look at the door one more time shutting out the clawing of Derek's nails against the wood. "I love you." I whisper.

Pulling my sleeves over my hands I start walking back into the sitting room. The door is wide open as he along with his pack fill the room. "Hello baby girl." He mocks every word so carefully spoken like a sword stabbing it's victim.

"Daddy's home.." one of his betas joke.

"Don't just stand there Y/n, greet your dad." I swallow down the awful things I feel like saying and instead do as I am told. But I won't say that word. He does not deserve to be called that. I fold my arms and stand my ground.

"Hello Deucalion."


Part two anyone ??


𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now