Friends kiss too

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A/n: this is a Klaus Mikealson imagine that was requested on my tumblr


Klaus took another sip from his drink, watching you intently as you continued to jump and twirl to the music filling the bar. You weren't moving to the rhythm, not even the slightest bit, but the little smile you flashed him every time your eyes met his from the dancefloor made up for the lackluster dancing. He smiled back of course, not enjoying a single thing about the place he was in except for the fact that it made you happy and he'd sacrifice a night to said horrible place if it made you happy- he'd sacrifice quite a lot for the sake of your happiness to be fair and he'd do so all too willingly.

The song changed, and he recognized it immediately, having been tortured by it for days at end when you were playing it at the compound, singing along at the top of your lungs purely to earn a playful scoff from the hybrid. There was a sense of familiarity in the melody as you once again turned to look at Klaus, an excited laugh slipping from your lips when he was already looking at you.

"It's my song," You noted happily, knowing he'd hear it despite the multitudes of noise. Klaus nodded, shaking his head when you once again started screaming along with the words. There was something about seeing you like this that tugged at his heart. Something about how free your looked with your hands haphazardly swaying in the air and heart beating through your veins that made him take it in, every little detail of a person he had been friends with for years and had loved for longer. You were ethereal, always had been, but he was looking at you through different eyes tonight. He was looking at you in a way that no friend should, and it dawned upon him quite quickly that sometime in the madness of his life he had slipped from loving you to being in love with you.

"Hello love," He noted, slightly dazed as his revelation sunk into his mind, your body still swaying lightly as you made your way off the dancefloor towards him.

"Hi Klaus," You offered in reply, slightly breathless from the dancing, reaching for his glass to take a sip of whatever he was drinking. Your face contorted in slight disgust at the taste, never being much of a Bourbon person. "That's awful," you told him with furrowed brows, placing the drink on the bar behind him. He shook his head the gesture, biting back a comment about how you could've ordered your own drink instead.

"Did you have fun dancing?" He asked instead, hand moving to adjust the hem of you shirt which must've moved during your little dancing endeavors.

"Did it look like I was?" You countered, adrenaline giving you a burst of bravery as you placed a hand on his knee, stepping closer to him as he remained seated on a stool. "You were staring at me the whole time," You noted, and Klaus raised a brow, an amused smirk on his lips as he raked his eyes over your face.

"I was," He offered, making a move of his own as he pulled you closer with a hand on your neck, your bravery faltering at the sudden reposition between his legs. "Couldn't take my eyes off you for that matter," He leaned in slightly as if he was about to convey a secret. "You looked absolutely ravishing," You swallowed loudly at the remark, heat rising to your cheeks, heartbeat rising as well and Klaus picked up on it instantly, the reaction being exactly what he hoped it would be. "Not so brave now, love?" His grip tightened slightly around you neck, gently tugging you forward when your eyes scattered to his lips as he spoke.

"Are you going to kiss me?" You asked unnecessarily breathless as you waited for him to do something, the question prompted a slightly mocking laugh from his lips. "Because if you don't, then I will," Your eyes moved up to meet his eyes, and he tilted his head at the comment.

"You want your best friend to kiss you? Is that what you want?" His other hand gently took hold of your waist as you nodded eagerly. "Very well, but before I do. You should know that I am completely and intoxicatingly in love with you," He admitted effortlessly, as if the words were simply laying dormant, waiting to be spoken.

"I know and I love you too," You swallowed lightly, mind slightly clouded from the interaction as you fisted his shirt between your fingers. "But I swear to everything Klaus, if you don't kiss me right now, I might just spontaneously combust," He laughed slightly, eyes jumping around your features.

"Oh, we wouldn't want that, would we?" He mused, wasting no time to delicately connect his lips with yours.

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