Lost time

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"This is bullshit." I exclaim as the police officer writes out the ticket. He scoffs at my words and I force down the urge to jump him.

"What's bullshit is your inability to understand that you can't be here." He rips the page from the book and dramatically hands it to me. "You're lucky that all you're getting is a ticket." He explains dryly although the mocking tone doesn't for one second swoop over my head. I look down at the ticket and the extra zeroes added to that two makes me gasp.

"Two hundred bucks for sleeping in my own house!" I question in a shout and he raises an eyebrow.

"It's not yours anymore, honey. It's the county's and you need to get that into that little head of yours before you end up in jail for trespassing." He says as he slips the notepad into his pocket. "I'm going to stick around until you leave, just to make sure you don't try ant tricks." He adds with a smug smile, folding his arms as he leans back against his car.

"Where do you expect me to go?" I question annoyed and he shrugs.

"Not my problem, as long as it's not here." He answers and I roll my eyes at the blatant disregard to my current situation. I crumble the ticket in my hand and step closer to him, trying to make my annoyance crystal clear.

"I don't have anywhere to bloody go." I look down at my hand and scoff. "And I certainly don't have enough money to pay for this ticket." I explain and his eyes dim when he looks down at me.

"I don't care." He retorts and I sigh.

"Please. One more night and I'll be out." I beg, my voice soft as I look pass his head to avoid his gaze.

"No can do." He answers quickly, dropping his arms to his side. "I would however be willing to work out a way for you to pay off that ticket much quicker." He adds and when I look up at him my stomach turns at the implication of his words.

"Excuse me?" I question and I step back. He smirks, rendering my movement pointless by taking his own step forward.

"I'm just trying to help you out here, honey." He explains and his gaze trails over my body. "I'm here to serve." He adds and my heart beats in my throat. Scum.

"Forcing yourself on a nineteen-year-old girl." The officer looks behind me and I would do the same, but my body proves unable to move. "Timmy, Timmy, Timmy." His voice grows closer and the colour drains from the officer's cheeks. "What would your mother say?" He comments just as he stills next to me. I look up at him briefly, looking away before he notices.

"Derek?" The officer asks shocked and his voice falters into a whisper. Derek smiles beside me and I almost do the same when I notice the utter fear his presence has caused.

"It's been a while. Although I see your methods haven't changed." Derek scoffs, his body moving closer to mine as I feel a hand gently tug me behind him. "I'll have you know that mine hasn't either." He retorts, holding my gaze for a minute before extending his claws from his fingers. The officer gasps.

"I'm sorry. If I had known she was a friend I'd have never." The officer tries to explain, his hands moving around quickly as he tries to coward away from Derek. "I'm sorry." He repeats, although this time he's looking at me, regret filling his eyes as he does so. "I didn't mean to upset anyone." He further explains and I watch him carefully as he starts backing up quickly, rushing to the door of his car.

"Where are you going, Timmy?" Derek asks lowly and the questions stops the officer in his tracks, his hand lingering on the handle. "Did I say you could leave?" Derek adds and he shakes his head quickly.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now