Those eyes.

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Warning this is another crossover but once again there is no worries if you haven't watched the show since I'll only use characters.


Your pov.

"Screw you." I shout running towards the door of the boardhouse.

"Ohh you'd love to wouldn't you." He shouts back speeding towards me and pulling me back.

"You're not leaving the house like this Avery, you're not in control." His hands snake across my arms sending chills down my spine.

"I don't need a babysitter. Move out of my way." The words seem forced as I speek through gritted teeth. There is something about his calmness and composure that sickens me. He walks around with this complex of perfection and everyone seems to ignore the mistakes he had made.

He is a vampire for heavens sake, he kills people when he sees fit, he could rip me to shreds in seconds, a tiny drop too much of human blood makes him turn rabid.

What gives him the right to stand here in front of me like some sort of saint ? In fact if it wasn't for his messed up family crap I wouldn't be mourning the loss of my brother. I wouldn't be out seeking revenge.

"Avery you don't have to do this."

Finally finding strength against his grip I break free from his hold.

"That's the thing, I want to."

His piercing green eyes frantically scan my face. He knows precisely how I feel, I know he does, which is why I know that in this mess he truly does want to help. But he can't. He is the reason for my pain, a statement he already knows. His presence makes me sick and he knows that too.

The stairs creek as his brother emerges from upstairs. He stares at me with a look that is unique to him, something that can only be described as empathy. He drags a hand through his silky black hair and clears his throat before speaking. "Avery if this is what you need to do, then do it."

He sees the doubt in his brothers face and also the uncertainty in my subtle movement. Skipping the last few steps he speeds towards the door, opening it wide enough for me to leave. With one last empty look he reaches his hand out to place on his brothers chest.

"Let her go Stefan."


The trees blur around me as I run through the woods as fast as my human body allows me to go.

How did my life fall to crap this quickly. Vampires, witches, werewolves and who knows what else, can someone please take me back to a simpler reality. Before I saw my brother drinking from a bloodbag and before I heard the news of him burning to death in a so called accident.

Pain crashes into my chest like being stabbed repeatedly and feeling no relieve as the knife retracts from my flesh. I stop in my tracks and slide down against a tree. Cold, bitter tears leave my cheeks burning. Can't this all just stop. Can't the pain just end.

Leaves crack around me. A girl alone in the woods of a crazy little town ruled my creatures of fantasy descriptions.

Can someone say cliche ?

The simple noise moves closer and something peeks out from behind the trees. I attempt to stand up but slip on the sand and fall back onto my butt. It's still walking my way.

Long, cascading locks, a waterfall of shiny, thick black hair. The cerulean pools of gleaming blue orbs lock with mine. His head shifts as he looks at me.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now