You will always have me

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After your parents passed away a few weeks ago your friend Allison wouldn't let you stay anywhere else but with her. The police said that the cause of death was an animal attack. But living in Beacon Hills you knew it was anything but an animal attack. In fact you overheard Scott and Derek talk about the alpha that is going around killing people. Like sure, go right ahead, it is Beacon Hills after all.

Being Derek's secret girlfriend you know all about the Argent family business and even though it wasn't your first choice to stay with the people who is hunting your boyfriend and one of  your best friends. You didn't have anywhere else to go. Derek's loft was out of the question since nobody is suppose to find out that the two of you are dating.

It is a little after ten. You are in your car driving home after this stupid party that your friend Lydia made you go to, when this car just comes out of nowhere almost driving straight into the front of your car. You swerved out of the way trying not to drive off the road. You drove a little further away from the car and pulled over on the side of the road.

You got out and slammed the door shut. You were fine but if there was something wrong with the person driving the other car, you'd like to help.

You stopped in your tracks when you saw something on the roof of the car. It looked like some kind of large animal. With careful steps you walked  a little closer to get a better view of this thing. His red eyes glowing in the moonlight. The pointy ears, the dark black hair and his claws tracing a long line across the roof of the car. It wasn't a animal at all though, it had to be the alpha. It started shaking the car and you heard glass shatter. There was a shot fired and tcaused the thing to run off.

The door of the car flew open. A woman with blond hair jumped out and pointed her shotgun in the air firing a warning shot. "Come on !" She shouted slamming her car door shut and grabbing her phone out of her pocket. She was making a call while taking some bullets and stuff out of the trunk.

You focused your attention on the building on the other side of the road. You saw the alpha running towards the building when the woman fired the shot. Curiosity getting the best of you, you decided to get a little closer.

You ran across the street and climbed over the fence hoping that little miss shotgun didn't see you. You ran to the building but stopped at the door glancing back at where the woman's car was. She wasn't alone anymore. She was now running towards the building with none other than Chris Argent.

You had to stop yourself from screaming when you heard a howl coming from the roof of the building and then the alpha jumped off of the roof with its body flying over your head.

Argent must have seen the alpha since he turned around and got back in his car and so did the blond chick. They drove off and the alphas shadow danced in the darkness as he ran into town with the two cars not far behind.

You climbed over the fence once again and walked back to your car. You started the engine and was about to pull onto the road when you heard a bunch of gunshots followed by a very loud howl.


You didn't get much sleep after what happened last night. So when your alarm woke you up you wanted to do anything expect go to school. Ignoring the fact that you are still extremely tired you jumped out of bed and grabbed some clothes out of your dresser. After getting dressed you grabbed you bag and headed down stairs.

Your hand was on the door handle when you heard laughter coming from the kitchen. Allison's mom left for work earlier and Chris left for a meeting so as far as you know, you and Allison were alone.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now