Because I love her

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It has been a week since Theo captured you and took you to the Dread Doctors' lab.

It wasn't what you expected it to be. It was underground. There were these big glass tubes that had human like figures inside, they were connected to all kinds of wires that all led back to one bigger glass tube filled with a green liquid. They haven't done anything horrible to you yet. They simply tied you to what seems to be a operating table and you have been laying there. The chains around your arms, legs and waist were so tight you couldn't move a muscle. To add to the pain the chains were electrified so every time you moved or screamed a sensor would go off sending flashes of electricity through your body.

They haven't given you anything to eat or drink since they brought you here. The Dread Doctors weren't around that often so you spent most of your time with Theo, him being the unbearably big jerk that he is took advantage of the fact that you couldn't move or talk or even scream without being shocked. But you simply blocked him out of your mind thinking of how Derek was going to beat up his scrawny little butt when he came for you.


Is it crazy that you are trapped in an underground lab waiting for evil 'doctors' to do who knows what to you and all you could think about was how you never got to tell Derek that you loved him. Maybe it was, or maybe it was the reason why you have managed to hold out so long. Maybe the thought of Derek coming to get you was the only thing keeping you from letting go. Maybe Derek was the last peace of hope keeping you alive.

**At the loft**

"Derek what is your plan" Scott yelled at Derek who was exiting the loft and heading to his car. He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face Scott, Stiles and Liam who showed up at his loft to help figure out a way to get you back. Little did they know that Derek was already going to face Theo and the Dread Doctors, and getting you back on his own.

"My plan Scott is to stop sitting on our asses doing nothing while those 'people' are doing unthinkable things to y/n." He steps closer to Scott. He has been patiently waiting for Scott and Stiles to come up with a plan, since the 'I am her brother' card beats the 'I am her secret boyfriend' card

"My plan Scott is to save your sister and put an end to this crap.." he shouted at Scott who was not that far away from him anymore. Derek was trying really hard to keep himself from turning, since you've been gone he has been having a hard time controlling himself. So keeping calm was really important but then again so are you and he couldn't bare the thought of losing you. It scared him.

He knew Scott wasn't buying the whole I just wanna be the hero act but it didn't matter. He wanted to get you back home in his arms where you belong. He hated this, he hated knowing that you are out there probably scared as hell and probably injured and in pain. He hated feeling helpless.

For the first time in a long time he was scared of losing someone and he hated not being able to do anything about that.

At that moment he couldn't control himself anymore. His eyes shifted from emerald green to a dark bloody red. His ears became pointed and hair started growing on his face and his hands. His smooth perfect teeth were now pointy and scary teeth and his fingernails were replaced with dangerous claws. Scott stepped back obviously surprised by Derek's sudden shift.

And that is when it all started to make sence to him. Derek's reaction to the news of you being captured, why he has been pushing him for the plan to save y/n, this stupid idea he had to go and save you all alone and all the trouble Derek has been having with his control.

It wasn't Derek, it was you..

"Okay Derek calm down. Just take deep breaths and think of y/n. Try to use her as your anchor instead of anger." Scott said calmly while signalling Liam and Stiles to go inside.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now