Don't save me

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Hi this one is for BiancaFWhite. Hope you like it.


Bianca pov.

"So how are things between you and Derek." Allison asks while turning the radio on. I plop down on her bed and sigh.

"I honestly don't know.."

She gives me a sympathetic look. Allison knows that things have been a little crazy with me and Derek. But she doesn't know why. Since Allison's aunt Kate came into town Derek has been a little on edge. He is more worried about Kate hurting me then anything else.

I have to admit that sometimes it is hard spending time with Allison and her family thinking of all the things they have done to Derek and the Hale family. But Allison and I have been friends for ten years and I can't just throw that away.

"Hey girls what are you up to." Kate asks as she enters the room.

"Nothing much." Allison answers. Kate smiles.

"Good I have something I want to show you."

We follow her down to the basement. She stops at the door and turn to us. "Okay so you girls have to promise not to freak out." We nod our heads and she opened the door. The room was dark but you could hear the sound of someone or something breathing heavily.

Then I realized what was happening. Derek told me that one of these days Allison was bound to join the Argent family business. There was probably some poor werewolf tied up waiting to be tortured. She turned on the light and my heart stopped.

Derek was at the back of the room tied up. I bought my hands to my mouth muffling a yelp. Derek's eyes shot up and stopped at my face. I stepped forward but he shook his head signalling me to stop.

Derek always said that if anything happened I should deny knowing anything about the supernatural world. I should even deny the fact that I know him. Sadly I am not a very good liar.

"Let him go." I mumbled and Kate turned to me.

"Now why would I do that Bianca? You think I don't know about the two of you? You think I don't see you two all lovey dovey at the Hale house? I mean you had to see this coming right? I bet Derek probably worked out a go plan for if it did. I guess dating a werewolf isn't as glorious as it seems."

"Werewolf ? What the hell are you talking about?" Allison asked. Kate chuckled. She looked behind me and nodded her head. Then someone grabbed me from behind and brought a hand over my mouth. Derek growled.

"Let her go." He shouted while shifting in the restraints. Allison wanted to help but Kate grabbed her arm and placed a taser stick in her hand.

"Allison you said that you didn't want to feel helpless. So here is what's gonna happen. Either you shock the big bad werewolf or George over there shocks your precious little friend. What's it gonna be Alli ? Good or Bad?" Allison turned to me. I bit the guys hand and his hand fell away from my mouth.

"Allison don't hurt him please." I begged but she shook her head.

"Close your eyes Bianca." Derek said calmly.

"No. No Alli please, don't do this?" I begged once again. I knew what was going to happen. She was going to pick Derek and seeing him in pain was going to hurt me so much more than being hurt myself.

"Close your eyes." Derek said again. Allison walked over to Derek and turned the taser on. She was about to shock him. I couldn't let her do that. Before I could stop myself I opened my mouth and a loud scream escaped my mouth. The guy who was holding me let go and slapped me across my face sending me falling to the ground. That wasn't a very good idea.

Derek growled loudly and Kate stumbled backwards. Derek shifted and broke out of the chains. Kate grabbed the taser from Allison's hand and tasered Derek but he just shook it off. He pushed Kate out of the way and walked passed Allison.

He kneeled down beside me and picked me up. George tried to punch him but Derek growled at him and he ran off. In silence Derek carried me upstairs.

He put me down in front of his car. "Are you okay.." He asked while worriedly examining my face. I smiled placing my hands on his cheeks.

"I am now." I replied softly before smashing our lips together.



𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now