Without you

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I look up from my phone when the door slides open, the noise filling the loft as footsteps patter against the floor. "Derek?" I question as the door closes.

"Y/n?" He asks after a brief second and his head pops up from behind the pillar to see me sitting on the bed with my legs folded under me. "Y/n." He answers himself when his eyes meet mine and he hovers for a moment before shrugging off his jacket and swiftly making his way to the bed.

"Hi." I whisper with a smile as he places his head onto the pillow on my lap, closing his eyes as he throws his arm over my legs. I put the phone down and let my hands slip into his hair, playing with the strands carefully as a smile grows on his lips.

"Hi." He hums, snuggling closer to me. "Did we have plans tonight?" He asks, opening his eyes briefly to look up at me. I shake my head with the smile remaining solidly planted on my lips.

"No, but I heard you guys had a shitty day and I wanted to be here for you." I comment, moving my hand from his hair to his lips where he quickly places a kiss on my knuckles before taking it in his hold.

"I'm a lucky guy." He mumbles with a soft laugh as he pulls back to take the pillow out of my lap. "So damn lucky." He adds with a silly smirk as he moves upwards to be at my side.

"I know." I reply with a smile of my own and I once again move my hands to his hair, resting my fingers just above his ears. He stays quiet while looking at me and despite the sweet laugh and smile from earlier, I see a dull sparkle in his eyes, a combination of tiredness and disappointment. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, letting one hand fall to his chest. He follows the gesture curiously as I play with the buttons of his shirt.

"No." He answers quickly and I furrow my eyebrows, not knowing if I should push him on the subject or not. "I've had enough Beacon Hills for today. Right now, I just want to be here with you." He leans forward to meet my lips in a soft kiss and the action causes a smile to form on both our lips. "I just want to do that." He adds before repeating the sentiment and I nod to agree with him as his hands pull me into his body. He secures me in his hold before moving our bodies to be laying down, hovering over me as one hand grips onto the bed to support his weight.

I hold onto his shirt as his kisses trail from my lips to my neck where his lips whisper against the flesh placidly. He moves his other hand to my waist where he tightens his grip slightly, making my heart jump. The touch being nothing but sweet and tender, yet tempting the complete opposite reaction in my body. His kisses become more scattered as he moves to kiss my lips again in a rush. His fingers graze against my skin when the end of my shirt slides up a little and the realization of his palms meeting my stomach makes me freeze in his hold. My lips seizing to move as I close my eyes to compose myself.

"I'm sorry." I whisper uncertain as I pull my hands up to softly push him away from me and he doesn't linger before slowly moving into a sitting position on the end of the bed. I open my eyes to find the ceiling in view and the air in the room thickens. "I'm sorry, I just-" I sigh, sitting up carefully to see him. "I don't-" I try again only to stop myself.

"Hey..." Derek hums, his voice begging me to meet his gaze. "Breathe" He commands softly with a warm smile waiting to meet my gaze.

"I'm sorry." I comment again, feeling a rush of embarrassment at the uncertainty in his eyes. "I should go." I mumble in a hurry before swiftly getting up from the bed, but Derek's hand is quick to stop me in my steps as his fingers slide from my wrist to my hand. 

"No running." He comments making me turn around. "Talk to me." He adds softly, pulling me closer to be in front of him. I sigh while looking down at our hands and the feeling of his touch sets my mind at ease enough for the thoughts to settle in place. 

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now