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This one is for SpanishStilinski. Enjoy.


"Derek stop being such a jerk." You shout walking towards the door of the loft.

"Catherine I am not being a jerk, I am trying to protect you." You stop at the door and then turn back to face Derek.

"So because I am your girlfriend I should just stay at home while you and the others go out there and fight the alpha pack?" He shook his head.

"Cate it is not because you are my girlfriend,  it is because you are weak and you barely know how to fight. Because it is the lunar eclipse tonight." Derek walked out of the room and you followed him.

"Well Derek I am only weak because you didn't want me to train with you or  Allison or well anyone for that matter. Also, the lunar eclipse doesn't effect me. I am perfectly human." Derek grabs his leather jacket and walks out of the room again. And you follow him.. again.

"Would you stop walking away from me and just talk to me?" Despite what you're felling your voice is calm.

"Catherine you are not going to the fight and that is it, now let it go." He shouts. Without saying another word you storm out of the loft.

You were about to start the car when  someone knocked on the window. Derek opened the car door and waited for you to climb out. "You know I am only doing this because I love you right." He said sincerely. And you nodded. "Cate, promise me you'll stay out of trouble ? I don't think I could handle you getting hurt." Derek puts his hands on your hips pulling you closer to him.

"Derek just let me help you guys, please?" Derek shook his head.

"No way, I am not letting you go anywhere near them. You don't even know how to fight a werewolf."

Before he could say anything you weezled out of his grip and kicked his legs out from under him. You pinned his arms to the ground as you hovered above him. You didn't say anything. Derek could get out from under you whenever he wanted to. He was a lot stronger and a lot faster than you. But he just laid there looking at you. He sighed.

"Cate you are all I have left." He finally said. You kissed his forehead releasing his arms.

"And you are always gonna have me. But you are not going to stop me from fighting tomorrow. My friends need me and as much as you hate to admit it, you need me too."

"Even though this is really cute I personally feel like you are both making a huge mistake going after the alpha pack." You and Derek both get up and turn to Peter.

"What about you.." Derek asked Lydia who is standing next to Peter.

"Honesty I feel like I am standing in a graveyard.."


The night of the Lunar Eclipse.

The fight started a while ago and it was a few minutes before the lunar eclipse. Derek and Scott were fighting Deucalion and you were stuck fighting Kali. You were hurt pretty badly. Kali was a lot stronger than you but you wanted to prove Derek wrong.

She picked you up by your neck and threw you into a wall. You groaned pushing yourself up. You looked up to see her walking towards you. She was in her human form and when you looked around you saw Derek, Scott and Deucalion were in their human forms as well. The lunar eclipse must have started.

This was probably your only chance to beat her. You stood up from the ground and growled in a very humanly way. You punched her in the face and she stumbled back. Grabbing her neck, you pulled her towards you. She tried to get out of your grip but it was a useless attempt.

The lunar eclipse was now over and Kali was starting to turn. You had to do something quick. So you tightened your grip and then smashed her head into the wall. She stopped growling and she fell to the ground.

Your eyes traveled away from Kali's lifeless body to your hands, stained in blood. You did this. You killed her. You needed to get out of here. You ran out of the room leaving Derek and Scott alone with Deucalion.


Two months later.

You haven't seen Derek since that night. You needed a break from the supernatural word and even if you hated that, that meant a break from Derek.

You walked into the high school and smiled when you saw Scott and Stiles talking at their lockers. You weren't really sure what to expect. You just left them without a word, you weren't sure if they were mad or disappointed or possibly even both. There was also a little part of you that hoped that maybe they would be happy.

You walked up to them and they stopped talking. Scott smilds before he picked you up and spun you around. "Cate I am so glad you're back."

Stiles wraped his arms around you in a tight hug. "I bet Derek is even more happy.." he pointed out as he pulled away.

"You haven't told him yet have you.." Scott asked and you shook your head.

"Before I left I promised Derek that he wouldn't lose me too and then I just left without any explanation."  Nervously fiddling with your hands you waited for their response.

"Cate, Derek has been at the loft waiting for you to come home to him. He wants to see you, he wants you back. He has been a wreck without you. So stop talking to us and go home to your love sick little sourwolf.." Stiles said and Scott nodded.


Rain was poring down outside as your car came to a stop in front of the loft. You got out and you started walking to the door.

"Catherine ?"  Someone asked from behind you and you smiled at the sound of the familiar voice. Turning around you noticed that Derek was only a few steps behind you. His eyes were red and kind of puffy like maybe he had been crying.  He looked at you in shock and tears started threatening their way out of your eyes. "Cate.." He asked again and he stepped a little closer. You couldn't speak so you shook your head. Derek stepped even closer and pulled you into his embrace, wrapping his arms tightly around you. You muffled your head into his chest and he rested his chin on the top of your head. "Don't leave me again.." Derek asked in a gentle tone.

The tears you were keeping in started flooding down your cheeks staining Derek's white shirt. "Derek you are the one I never want to leave.." 

"You're home?" He asked voice filled with uncertainty.

"I am home.." You replied. He picked you up and with your legs wrapped around his waist  he carried you inside.



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