Making Exceptions

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"I mean you smell that too, right?" Scott asks stepping forward to sniff me. Isaac nods quickly pointing at Scott to show that he agrees.

"Oh yeah definitely. There's a distinct smell of death." He adds and I sigh looking between them.

"Boys. I'm fine. Really." I retort stepping pass them only to be stopped by Isaac's arm. He frowns, leaning in close just like Scott did before worriedly looking towards him.

"Death and blood. Do you smell blood too?" He asks worried and I scrunch my nose at the pure thought of this situation.

"Did someone attack you that we don't know of?" Scott asks attempting to lift the sleeves of my shirt, but failing when I slap his hands away with my free arm.

"Did you hurt yourself?" Isaac chimes in reaching for my arms as well.

The questions keep coming my way and I decide to place the jar of peanut butter in my hand down, seeing no escape from this without an explanation. I turn my gaze to the back of the kitchen where Stiles stands behind the two werewolves and I feel my face mimic the same look of frustration as his shows. You'd think they'd get it by now.

"What's going on here?" A voice asks and I see Derek walking into the kitchen. He throws his jacket on the counter while searching for my eyes. A smile tugs at his lips when he sees me, but fades quickly when he meets my frown.

"We think she's dying." Isaac retorts bluntly. Not missing a beat. Derek is quick to react, pushing the boys away to still at my side.

"Oh gosh." I mumble covering my face with my hands. Someone scoffs and I peak between my fingers to see Stiles pulling at the side of his plaid before sighing.

"She's not dying, you morons. She is on her period." He states and everyone turns to me. I feel my cheeks redden at the statement. Scott and Isaac stare at my stomach conflicted and Stiles gestures between the two of them with his hand. "You'd really think with the werewolf thing you'd know this happens every month." He continues.

I pull my hands away from my face. Desperately pulling Derek's sleeve to get his attention away from Scott and Isaac who have even more questions. He looks down at me, quickly glancing at my fingers folded over his arm before meeting my gaze.

"Der. Baby. Please, for my sanity, make them stop?" I beg softly and he smiles, pulling me into his side and I almost instantly rest my head on his chest avoiding Scott and Isaac as they look down at me.

"Leave." Derek demands plainly and his arm slides from my back to my waist. "Now. Everyone out." Stiles mouths a finally as he waves at me before following Scott and Isaac out of the loft. We both remain quiet for a while before Derek pulls my body to be facing his. "You okay?" He questions.

"Yeah." He nods slowly at the reply.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know I should." I step back and push myself onto the counter. "I haven't really had anyone to report this to before. I mean did your previous girlfriends talk to you about this?" His eyes trail over the wall behind me as he thinks and I can see the growing smile lingering in his green eyes.

"I haven't really had many girlfriends before you." I look down at my hands, feeling myself smile as well due to the reply.

"It's not a big thing though, it's just a period. Besides, you had sisters, this isn't exactly foreign to you." I lean backwards to rest my head against the wall while shrugging off the idea of him worrying over this. He nods.

"Does it hurt?" He asks and places his hands onto the material covering my thighs.

"Only phenomenally." I laugh softly, folding my legs under his touch.

"Well..." He trails his hands away from my legs and slides his fingers over my arms, lifting my sleeves in the process. ""That I can help with." As soon as he says that little black veins form on my arms escaping my skin and rushing onto his, taking the pain from my stomach and back with it.

"I thought werewolf healing powers were only for life or death werewolf situations?" I ask playfully, smiling as he cups my face with a gentle hold. He steals a small kiss, resting his forehead against mine, making my heart flutter in a loud response he definitely picks up on.

"Yeah." He hums making a soft vibration bounce over my lips. "But I'd make an exception for my girl." 


A little late but here's some fluff in honour of the day of love. Hope you guys had a good day.



𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now