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Originally requested by Isiuna , although a whole bunch of you guys wanted it as well. So. Enjoy.


"Pass me a diaper?" She commands in a rush and I pinch the bridge of my nose before sliding a clean diaper over the table. She catches it with one hand and holds the baby down with the other, scrunching up her nose while she replaces the current diaper.

"Why did we agree to this?" I ask her as she holds the dirty diaper out for me to get rid of. I force down a gag before taking it from her and quickly throwing it in the trash, shoving the door of the cupboard with my leg to close it. She laughs softly.

"Because Jackson and Ethan needed a break." She tells me and I squirt another gallop of soap onto my hands, moving quickly to scrub the idea of the smell from my skin. "And we've done this before, so we're supposed to be good at it." She adds as an afterthought and I turn around to see her pulling a baby-grow onto little Aiden. He giggles and Y/n smiles instantly, the sight making my heart melt.

"I'm pretty sure Hadley never had to be changed." I inform her, putting the diaper cream and wipes into the baby-bag. She scoffs, picking Aiden up from the table and resting him against her chest.

"By you." She raises her brow. "Big bad Derek Hale refused to come anywhere near a dirty diaper." She says and although her lips tilt into a frown, the sparkle in her eyes gives away that she's not serious.

" Well, I can see why." I retort with a scoff, pointing down at the trashcan. "How can something that awful come out of that little man?" I ask, sitting down on the table beside her. She smiles sweetly.

"I don't know." She laughs as her she bops her knee slowly to calm Aiden as he mumbles nonsense into her shoulder. "But I've never been happier that Hads is in college." She states with wide eyes, holding onto Aiden's head as she gets up from the chair.

"Really?" I jump up from the table to follow her. "Because I've been thinking about maybe having another one." She stops, turning around slowly to see me.

"Funny." Is all she says as she sways from side to side slowly.

"I'm serious." I step forward to move a hand over Aiden's little head. "I haven't seen you so happy in a long time. Besides..." I start, moving my hand to her cheek where I slide her hair away with my thumb. "We make very beautiful babies." I inform her and she giggles.

"We've made one very beautiful baby and she's amazing." She moves Aiden onto her hip and places her other hand onto mine. "She's also more than enough for us to handle." She says with a soft smile looking down at Aiden when he starts sobbing softly and her side. She wants to say something but stops when there's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I say with a sigh. She leans forward to kiss me quickly before walking up the stairs to Hadley's old room. I pull a hand through my hair as I reach for the door, sliding it open to see who's out there. " Hadley?" I ask shocked and she smiles brightly.

"Dad." She mumbles as she steps closer to hug me, her arms folding around my waist as she leans into my shoulder. "I missed you." She says softly as I place my hand on her hair to move us into the loft and close the door.

"We've missed you too." I tell her as she pulls away, her eyes looking around the room, probably searching for Y/n. "Mom is upstairs with the baby." I explain and she raises a brow. I smile. "We're babysitting for Jackson and Ethan." I clarify and she nods, not saying anything while she walks to the couch, sinking into the pillows with a frown. "Is something wrong?" I ask, picking up on the sudden jump in her heartbeat. She looks down at her hands, not answering me, so I walk over towards her, sitting down as well. "Did something happen?" I question and she takes a deep breath.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now