Run- part 3

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Important a/n at the end so please read it..


Two weeks.

Derek's pov.

He took her again. Once again I couldn't stop him. I remember the first thought I had when I saw her. She looked so happy, like for the first time she didn't need to be scared. But I also remember her face when I told her what he did, it reminded me of the girl I knew when we were younger. No emotion. So scarred by the world she never heals.

I failed her again. One door was all that stood between us and yet I couldn't stop him from taking her again. She didn't even put up a fight. She walked out of that house after him. This is the longest he has had her before. I've searched everywhere I could, she seems to have dropped off of the face of the earth. I just hope she found some way to escape.

In the mean time we have even more to deal with. Deucalion and his pack of alphas have returned to Beacon Hills. The sister whom I thought was dead is in fact alive. She too was tortured by Deucalion. My hatred towards this man seems to keep on growing.

And I think I'm going insane. I can hear her. I hear her shouting and crying. I can feel her pain. I was so sure I saw her at the bank that day. The timing for my thoughts could not be worse considering the position I am in.

Half way through a rather heated argument with Cora the alarm from the loft was triggered. Kali and Ennis walked into loft the reason for their visit quite clear. The four of us sprung into action. Ennis easily subdued Cora and Kali beat me by stabbing me in my lower back with a steel pipe. Not a very pleasant feeling I must admit.

So I'm on my hands and knees breathing with a struggle as the blood drips from the wound when Deucalion strides into the room very casually, clutching onto his cane. My shoulders tense up.

As he makes his entrance it occurs to me that he has not spoken a word of Y/n since that night, even though we've had many unpleasant chats since his arrival.

If he has hurt I will kill him. Actually I'm sure I would kill him anyway.

Deucalion begins to explain why he is here. I scoff interrupting him. "If you came here to kill me you might as well get it over with." Deucalion seems offended by my statement.

"Don't throw me in with sociopaths like your uncle. I am always on  the look out for new talent. I would like you to join my pack."

Scoffing once again I almost laugh at his way of sugar coating what he wants. "You mean you want me to kill my betas."

"No Derek I simply want you to kill one of them, you'll want to kill the rest." He continues blabbering on about one of his own betas but something draws my attention even more.

An aroma so familiar it almost brings me comfort. But the fragrance of roses is conflicted by the clear scent of blood. It feels so close, like I could reach out and touch it. But just like that it vanishes.

"Derek your pack, a couple of maladjusted teenagers are bound to become a liability." Deucalions voice brings my attention back to him. The pipe in my back shifts and I groan at the pain. Deucalion is next to me as his hand touches my face. He smiles. "You're right Kali, he has his mothers face." I pull my face out of his reach.

"You're a fanatic." I spit out the words along with some blood that has been building up in my throat.

"Oh Derek you haven't seen anything like me before." He walks to the middle of the loft settling down in his steps at the front of the window and then launches into the following speech accompanied by thunder and lighting from an approaching storm.

"I am the alpha of alphas.
I am the apex of apex predators.
I am death, destroyer of worlds."

"I am the demon wolf." Another voice speaks up. A female voice. It's her.

She steps into the loft with a confidence she has never had around Deucalion. Her presence causes the smug looks on the faces of all three alphas to fade. There is something different about her. She's a wolf now but there is something more. Whatever it is, is has brought fear to the cruelest man I've met.

"What, no daddy jokes?" Sarcasm drips from her voice. She chuckles noticing the seriousness of everyone in the room. Deucalion steps back as if the closeness of her voice frightens him even more. She looks over at Cora. "Ennis be a dear and release Cora from that tight grip you have on her." Ennis does not hesitate he removes his hand from Cora's neck and steps away as Cora falls to the ground. Then she looks over at me. Her eyes. Her once e/c eyes are now a dark silver, a dark grey ring around the silver. She glances at me and swallows hard, the emotion in her eyes give away what she feels but she masks her worry by keeping up the though act. "Kali would you please remove the pipe from Derek's back." Kali hesitates sharing a look with Deucalion. "Now. " Y/n growls causing Kali to jump a little. She regains her balance and slowly pulls the pipe from my back causing me to fall to the ground in pain. Satisfied with our safety Y/n walks over to Deucalion. "You were right you know. I am like my mother, in so many more ways than you thought." Her hand extends and her claws grow out. "You know what I am don't you." Deucalion nods his head furiously.

"So are you going to kill me." Deucalion asks.

Y/n lifts her hand that is currently bearing her sharp claws. In a swift movement she grabs Deucalions arm and sinks her claws into his flesh. He screams out in pain and falls to his knees. His eyes shift from a bright red to a turquoise blue and finally the dark blue of his human eye color. She just took his werewolf powers.

"That's the difference between you and me Deucalion. "Her claws emerge from his arm and her hand return to its normal shape. "I won't kill you to make you pay for what you've done to me. But. If you or your pack hurt anyone else I will know. I will hunt you down, I will find you and I will kill you. So that's a warning. You will scream at the mention of my name and tremble at my presence, Deucalion. Next time I won't show you mercy." She steps away from him and pulls him from the ground. "Take you hounds and leave." The three of them stumble out of the door. The door shuts and the room fills with silence. "Are they gone." She asks her voice barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Yes they are." Cora answers and Y/n lets out a shaky breath. Her face fills with emotion and tears stream from her silver eyes. She doesn't move, not even inch. She stands completely still as her shaking body trembles.

Somehow I find the strength to push myself up from the ground. My hands hold my lower abdomen as the pain shoots from the wounds like electricity. As if feeling my pain Y/n grabs her stomach as well. She turns my way and rushes over to me.

Her hands lift up my shirt investigating the wound. Feeling the flesh heel I grab her hands in mine. "I'm fine." I say and she looks up her grey eyes locking with mine.

"You're fine." She shakes her head agreeing with me.

"No more running from him okay. You're safe now." She sighs.

"I'm not a deer." She states referring to the fact that he hunted her like a Hunter would hunt a deer. I carefully place my hands on her cheeks wiping away her tears.

"You're not. You're my Luna now." She giggles and leans forward connecting her lips with mine.


Thoughts on the last part ??


So I've come to the decision to end this book at a 100 chapters although that is depending on the requests. I love this book way to much to make it a final decision so without making any promises I might bring it back if I feel like it later on.

That being said this is the LAST chance for you guys to request. If no one request I will fill the last few chapters with my own stories but I would love to end this story with your ideas and what not.

xoxo.. M

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