Sun screen

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You, Lydia, Stiles and Derek were on your way to Los Angeles. All the supernatural drama was finally over and it was time for a much needed break. And what can be better than spending some time with your best friends at the beach.

You refused to get up this early in the morning so Derek being the sweet and caring  boyfriend that he is didn't want to wake you. He got all of the bags and put them in the jeep, trying really hard to do it quietly. After packing all of the bags in the jeep and making you some coffee to drink when you finally did wake up everybody was ready to go. There was just one more thing that had to be done. He had to move you to the jeep without waking you.

He entered the bedroom which you two shared with the plan to pick you up and just walk really fast till he reaches the jeep then he would put you down gently and place a pillow under your head and close you with a few blankets since you hated being cold. But when he saw you in that bed his plan went out of the window.

You were lying in the middle of the bed, snuggling up to Derek's pillow. You always did that when he wasn't there, it smelled like his cologne so even if he wasn't there it felt like a part of him was. Your hair was all messy and you were wearing one of Derek's shirts. The blankets were scattered on the floor which left you shivering on the sheets. You were a shivering mess but Derek thought you looked extremely cute. And the fact that you were biting your lip only made it harder for him to just stick to the plan.

"Oh screw the plan." He whispered making his way to the bed. He then slowly sat down next to you and started rushing his hand through your hair. You smiled in your sleep Derek's touch sending chills down your spine. He then placed a soft kiss on your lips. Your eyes fluttered open. Derek was sitting there smiling like an idiot. You smiled back before sitting up and pecking his lips.

" Hey you.." You said

"I tried not to wake you but you just looked so dang hot that I just had to steal a kiss." You giggled.

"Hale it is 2 in the morning and you are already flirting. Have you no shame." You said before playfully punching his shoulder.

"Oh honey you will know when I am flirting with you." He pulled you in for one more kiss before leaving the room so that you could change.

After putting on some more appropriate clothes you grabbed your all-stars and headed to the bed to put them on. But you tripped over Derek's shoes sending you crashing to the floor making a loud thump.

Derek came running into the room and helped you up. He examined you for any injuries  before bursting out laughing. You started laughing as well. He kissed your cheek before picking you up and carrying you to the jeep. The two of you cuddled up in the backseat of the jeep and Derek placed his leather jacket on your shoulders to keep you warm.


You are currently fast asleep in Derek's arms. Lydia is cuddled up in Stiles' arms but she is wide awake singing along with the radio." Lyds stop singing you are gonna wake up the old married couple in the back." Stiles whispered referring to you and Derek who was both asleep. Derek's head was resting on yours. Lydia turned around to look at you and a big smile appears on her face. She was happy for Derek. He finally found a normal girl who loved him more than anything.

"Lydia have you considered taking a photo, it might last longer." Your voice made Lydia snap out of her daze.  Everybody laughed and Derek kissed your hand flashing you a smile. Even though Derek loved you with all his heart he wasn't very good at telling you that so this has always been his way of showing you his love. You smiled and then whispered.

"I love you to Der." You once again made yourself comfortable in his arms knowing there was still a long ride left.


"Okay that is it Stiles I refuse to wash the windows of the jeep." You said throwing down the bucket and cloth that Stiles gave you. Derek folded his arms around your waist from behind.

"Tell you what Stiles, how about you and Lydia wash the jeep while me and my beautiful girlfriend head down to the beach." He kissed the back of your neck. "Besides I think we could use some alone time.." You giggled before running into the house to change leaving Stiles and Lydia with their mouths open.

"Y/n have I ever told you how much I love your legs." You turned away from your mirror to face Derek. He was smiling like an idiot as usual. You walked towards him and placed your hands on his hips.

"Derek Hale what are you up to.."

" What?..a guy can't compliment his girlfriend without her being suspicious." He asked pretending to be hurt that you were questioning his intentions.

"You are absolutely right. And have I told you how much I love that goofy and adorable smile of yours."

He smiled before kissing you all over your face making you blush. "Okay, okay stop that." You said cupping his cheeks with your hands. "Derek you are not leaving this house until you are covered in sun screen." He scoffed.

"Y/n I am a werewolf I don't need sun screen." He mumbled since your hands were still on his cheeks. You let go and grabbed the cream from the bed.

"Derek Hale, I don't care if you are a magical tree frog that grants wishes, you are not stepping out of this house until you put on sun screen and if you refuse, your werewolf ass is going to be the reason that nobody goes to the beach." You placed the sun screen in his hand. He kissed your cheek before removing his shirt and finally putting on the sun screen..



𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now