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TRIGGER WARNING- This chapter discusses body image and weight.


Request for rory_JADE_WdW , who requested this for her friend. I don't have your username, but I hope that you enjoy this Daniella. Xx. 


"I don't know." I say, holding my books tighter against my chest as I follow Lydia to the bleachers. She frowns.

"Please." She begs, grabbing my arms and pulling me to a stop. "It's been forever since we did anything together, just the girls." She explains and looks back to where Jackson and the other lacrosse players are walking out of the school building. "I need a night without lacrosse talk." She says and I smile lightly at her little eyes roll, but frown again when she looks back at me for a reply.

"I'm not getting out of this, am I?" I ask and she nods with a satisfied smile and I sigh loudly. "Can I convince you to do anything else?" She shakes her head quickly.

"Shopping and sunbathing, Daniella. It's all we need. " She says, linking our arms as we start walking again. "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning and we'll go get some new bikini's before going to the lake house." She informs me and nods at Jackson who is waving her over to the bench. "Duty calls. Stop pouting it's going to be fun." She tells me and boops my nose before scurrying away towards Jackson and I shake my head with a smile as I watch her leave. I stay still for a while, making sure she reaches him without being hassled by anyone and then turn to leave, already dreading the weekend ahead, even though it's quite literally just begun.

I fall into step quite quickly, only pausing to put my books into my bag before walking home. Mom and Dad are working late again, so I have the house for myself for a couple of hours, but if history has taught me anything, it's that Derek Hale tends to show up unplanned and unfed, whenever he wants. Not that I mind, it's always been like that and only more so since the fire.

I lock the door behind me, throwing my bag onto the couch and heading to the kitchen. I shake my head when I see Derek's car parked in the backyard, just like I thought it would be and grab the pizza bites out of the freezer. The stairs creek behind me as the microwave starts doing its thing and I throw the empty box away.

"How did you get in here?" I ask, turning around just as he takes a seat at the table. "The door was locked." I add with an amused smile as he stares up at me.

"But your window wasn't." He says and smirks happily. I shake my head as I slip onto the counter.

"Derek, my bedroom is a mess." I say, only now remembering that I was too lazy to clean it up before going to school. Derek nods his head quickly, brows raised for effect.

"Hell yeah it is." He says and shrugs. "Don't freak out, you know I don't mind." He adds sweetly and I smile over at him before focusing my attention on my folded legs, fiddling with my fingers as the sound of the microwave fills the room. I hear him sigh softly, moving in his chair. "What's up?" He asks and I shrug.

"Nothing." He scoffs.

"Bullshit." I look up at him surprised. "I can literally smell that you're not okay." He informs me and I raise my brow at him in confusion. He rolls his eyes. "Chemo signals, Nella. Now tell me what's going on?" I think it over for a moment before shaking my head with a sigh.

"You wouldn't understand." I say and the alarm from the microwave pings to tell me it's done and I use that as a momentary distraction, jumping down and getting it, placing it down in front of him.

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