Dance it out

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Your car comes to a stop in front of the loft. You open the mirror and try to fix your make-up that was now smudged. Your eyes are puffy and red so there is no way you're gonna be able to hide the fact that you were crying.

And then there is your lip. It is starting to swell up. You know they say you could do something right about a thousand times but that thousand and one time is when everything falls apart.

Kevin- your now ex boyfriend- was usually a sweet and perfect guy. That was until you found him making out with your sister. Instead of just apologizing and leaving he started this big fight and when you told him to leave he slapped you. So you left.

You jump out of your car and run to the front door of the loft. You are now wet from the rain falling down outside. Cara gave you a key to use in emergencies. Being heartbroken and wet counts as an emergency.

You unlock the door and walk inside. "Cora. Cora are you here." You shout walking around the loft. Finding it to be empty you slide down the wall until you are on the floor. You bring your legs up so that you can rest your face on your knees.

"Y/n is that you ?" You jump a little at the sound of Derek suddenly speaking in front of you. The loft didn't have a lot of light so he was basically just a dark figure standing in the darkness.

"Hey Der. Is Cora here." You ask  folding your legs and looking up at him.

"Uh no, she and Boyd are busy with something." He steps a little closer to you. "Y/n are you okay ?"

"Jip,  perfectly fine." You say fake a smile while standing up from the floor.

"You know I have super hearing right. I know you're lying. Besides from that I also know you. What happened y/n/n ? Was it Kevin ?" You sigh and the tears you were trying to keep in starts running down your cheeks.

"You know I had this under control." You say wiping the tears away. You shake your head as the memories of a few minutes ago pop into your head.

"Y/nn" Derek says dragging out the last part of your name. He pulles you into his embrace, wrapping his arms tightly around you. You nuzzle your head into his chest. "Shh. It's okay. I got you." Derek whispers. You grip onto his arms as your tears stain his shirt.

After a while Derek pulls away to look at you. He gently rubbs his hands over your tear stained cheeks. "Ugg I probably look like a mess." You say when Derek removes his hands. He smiles.

"Actually I think you look beautiful.." He replies foolishly making you blush. "Okay what do we do now ? Cora isn't going to be home for a while and I am not letting you go home like this." He says.

"I don't know.."

"Well what do you and Cora usually do when your sad.." he asks and that in itself makes you giggle.

"We dance it out.."You take your phone out of your pocket.

 "What." Derek asks confused. You push play and the music from your phone fills the loft. You start dancing but Derek just stands there.

"Derek may I have this dance.." You joke while offering him your hand.

He smiles and instead of taking your hand he grabs your waist and dips you. You giggle as he lets you up. The two of you move along with the music completely ignoring the fact that your slow dancing to a fast song.

The two of you never broke eye contact once. You were lost in his eyes and he was lost in yours. The song came to an end and Derek moved his hands from your waist to your hips pulling you closer.

"Derek." You asked softly.

"Yeah.." He replies.

"What are you doing? "

"Something I've wanted to do for so long.." With that he attaches his lips to yours. Unwillingly you pull away moving your hand to your lip. Derek's eyes land on the bruise as he realizes you're hurt.

"We should probably do something about that." He says stepping back. You look at the ground and then back at him.

"Actually.." You step closer to him. "This might help." You say before connecting your lips once more. Derek smiles into the kiss as you both pull away.

"I am so glad you broke up with Kevin.." Derek points out and you smile.

"Hmm and I am so glad that I found you here instead of Cora.."



𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now