The end

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"So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover
That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner of that mattress that you stole from your roommate back in Boulder.

We ain't never getting older.."

-Closer by The Chainsmokers


He looked over at this amazing girl sitting next to him while still keeping an eye on the road. He watched her silently as she sang along to the lyrics. She was magnificent. Everything about her was precious.

The way her nose scrunched up when she laughs, creating little laugh lines on her forehead. The way her hair always laid perfectly on her shoulders to frame her face. The way her eyes sparkled as she sang the simple words of the song. The way her skeleton like hands would reach for the stereo turning the volume up even higher. The way she would look out of the window staring at the cars passing them by. The way every little feature, every little imperfection came together to form this phenomenal person.

This amazing girl he loved so very much. He didn't mind if she sang at the top of her lungs even if her voice was a little rusty. He didn't mind her habit of correcting his grammar or word use. He didn't mind hearing all about her awful days. He didn't mind at all that this shy and taken aback  girl  would transform into this confident and beyond loud girl when they were together.

In fact he loved everyone one of those things. And he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that he made the right choice. For today was not just any other day, it was their wedding day. The day he stood in front of a church full of people confessing his undying love to her. A date forever set in history as the day when she became his wife.

His wife to spend forever with. To live his life with her for infinity. An eternity of days to tell her how much he loves her and tell her how much she means to him. Tell her how beautiful she is. Tell her that she is his world, his love, his life and his everything.

As he stared lovingly at her an enormous smile spreading across his lips. Nothing could ruin this moment. Nothing could take away the amount of happiness filling his heart.

He looks back at the road just a minute to late, not noticing the car speeding towards them with an indescribable speed. He tries to swerve out of the way but his attempts only cause more damage as the cars connect with each other with a fantastic force. The impact sends the car rolling across the almost empty road. The car lands on its head.

She screams in terror and pain. He looks over at her. She is covered in blood. His eyes travel across her body as he searches for the source as to where the blood is coming from. A large strand of glass sticks out from the bottom of her stomach.

As much as he tries to think of ways to help her he can't stay focused. His head feels dizzy and his eyes heavy. He closes them trying to stop the oozing pain in his head. "Baby." Her shaky voice brings him back to reality. Tears streaming down her cheeks she looks over at him fear written all over her face.

For the first time he looks at himself. He can't move his legs and his hands are tingling at his sides. He can't seem to find the place the blood is coming from. Her whimpering grows louder as she stares at the man she loves also realizing the seriousness of his injuries.

It feels like only minutes later when the sound of ambulances and emergency services surround the car. She has been unconscious for a while, he's not too worried since the steady up and down movement of her chest shows him that she's still breathing.

He watches as the men in bright yellow jackets come running closer to the car. One man kneeled down in front of the car at his side. "We are going to get you out of here okay sir, just hold on tight."

"No" He speaks for the first time, his rusty voice taking the man by surprise. "Take- m my wife." He spits the words out. And without question the man runs over to the other side of the car. The men easily remove her from the broken down, falling apart car.

He sighs in relief as he watches the men take his wife away on the stretcher. His heart drops when it dawns upon him that he might never be able to call her that again. It was fairly obvious that he wasn't going to make it. Not only for him but for the medics as well.

Pretty soon the sound starts drowning out and his vision starts becoming blurry. But that's okay. He closes his eyes picturing her one more time in his head. Running the memories of her beauty over and over through his thoughts. This was the end for him but instead of pain or despair he felt a strange sence of peace. She was going to be okay and that's all that matters. He didn't care that he wasn't going to spend eternity with her after all, she was going to move on and live her life. And that made him calm. She was the love of his life and she loved him until the last moment and he loved her.

He opens his eyes one last time. And then closes them as a few stray tears roll over his cheeks. "Goodbye my love.." He whispers to himself as he waits for the darkness to consume him.


xoxo.. *M

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now