Strong- Isaac

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For neonblue98 .

Song above is Taken by Young Summer

Italics- flashbacks..  oh and  the flashbacks are completely random .. so they will appear in between the story.. it's kind of like memories you get out of the blue.


"This is insane Isaac, what do you mean you're leaving?" Isaac sighs taking a seat next to you at the table. He takes both your hands in his.

"Lily I'm not leaving you forever. I just need to deal with- uh with things and I can't do it here." You pull your hands out of his reach.

"Things. You mean Allison." He doesn't say anything but tries to avoid eye contact.

" He doesn't say anything but tries to avoid eye contact

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"Yeah I thought so. Look we all miss her. But the rest of us aren't moving halfway across the world."

"Yes well I just feel that I need some space from Beacon Hills." You furrow your eyebrows.

"Space from me. You mean you need some space from me."

"Lily that is not what I said, please don't overreact and pull this out of proportion." His voice is harsh. A rather forced little laugh escapes your lips.

"Then go. I'm not gonna try and stop you. Maybe you'll meet a nice little blond in London, let's just hope she doesn't fall for you as hard as I did." His face turns cold as he angrily gets up from the table and harshly pushes the chair forward.

"You're being unreasonable." He shouts making you flinch. You stay calm.

"Isaac do not talk to me like that. I am not being unreasonable. I'm not going to force you to stay here if you don't want to,  I'm not going to make you stay with me if you don't want to. As for overreacting, you might want to take a few breaths buddy." His expression doesn't change.

"Lily I have the right to be upset, I loved her too." Love. One word. That doesn't have to mean anything more then the context is was just used in. "That's not what I-" You stopped him from talking with a wave of you hand.

"My best friend died saving my life. She died for me. My brother's pack got killed. My sister left again. My uncle is probably up to no good. The people I grew up whith, calling them family tried to kill me and everyone I loved. And it is all because of my damn family. That's what my year was like. I am so scared. Not just now, everyday. People keep dying, people- people keep leaving. Isaac call me selfish or heartless but I needed you too. You are leaving all of us behind to go deal with the death of a girl who you barely knew." Isaac walks away from the table.

When the two of you first started dating there was sparks. Everything was magical no matter what the two of you were doing. Fights were about simple things. Isaac actually cared if you were sad or hurt and he would walk to hell and back to make you feel safe when you were scared.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now