Call me yours

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For neonblue98


She is late. A worried Theo sits in front of the nurses office as he waits for her to walk up to the sad little door and see him sitting there. But she hasn't yet. It has been five minutes. The hallways soon fill with children rushing to their next classes. Lily always spent her free period in the nurses office, fixing up the scars he gained from fights that day, knowing full well her efforts were pointless.

He becomes quite worried as his eyes scan over the faces searching for the dark haired girl he so desperately wants to see. And he soon does. Her hands tightly grip onto the books in her hands. Like always her head hangs low, shielding her from any possible eye contact with the wrong person. She walks with speed and determination probably aware of her tardiness.

Theo waits for her to finally look up, the bright smile on her face usually cheering him up immediately. But there isn't a smile today. Her pink lips curve into a frown. The tip of her nose just as red as her eyes. The thought of her crying causes anger to raise up in his throat.

Slowly she approaches him. Their eyes lock and before Theo could even find words to ask her what's brought her to tears, she's crying once again. Theo stands up, takes the books from her hands and place them down on the bench he was just sitting on. He pulls her into the little white room and closes the door.

He knows he should comfort her but the idea itself is very new to him. What does he do? Wrap his arms around her? Gently pat her shoulder? Take her hands in his? Tell her it's going to be okay even if he does not know what's the matter?

Lily answers the question for him as she steps right into his personal space. She leans into his chest. Theo does what feels right and does in fact wrap his arms around her gently trembling body. Her crying is silent but every once in a while she takes a deep shaky breath which sounds more like a cry for help.

She pulls away reluctantly and Theo stares at her puzzled. "Come on Doll Face, you're lack of words is rather frightening." She giggles in between her actions of wiping the layers of tear stains from her eyes. She lightly slaps his chest.

"Stop calling me that." She debates the giggle still present in her voice. Theo sits down on the white sheeted hospital bed.

"First of all- I like calling you that and second of all- I'm going to keep calling you that until I get to call you mine." Theo smirks knowing this little banter normally makes her smile.

She does in fact smile as she pulls a pare of latex cloves over her tiny hands. Satisfied with the results Theo pulls up his hoodie for Lily to tend to the already healing wounds. "So who'd you beat up today." She asks as she starts wiping the somewhat drying blood from his muscled chest.

He smiles at the blush on her cheeks. "Can't remember his name but he is an idiot" She rolls her eyes.

"You think everyone is an idiot." He smiles wiping a fallen lash from her cheek. "Especially that boyfriend of yours. Wouldn't mind teaching him a lesson or two."

Time passed and the period ended, sending Theo and Lily to different classes.

As Theo enters his Chemistry class he receives a text from the girl with the golden smile. Being Lily of course. His lips read the words without sound and he almost runs over to her right there and then.

'We're not from a 90's movie Theodore so don't call me Doll Face and he's my ex boyfriend now, he dumped me ..'


𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now