Jealous much

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This one is for jasmiine4. Hope you like it.


"Isaac cut it out."  You yell running around the loft with Isaac behind you. You made a stupid joke and he pretended that it hurt his feelings. Now he is chasing you around the loft threatening to tickle you.

You and Isaac have been friends for years even before he became part of Derek's pack. He was like the annoying little brother you never had. If it wasn't for Isaac you and Derek never would've met.

Your sister was a werewolf and she was killed by the hunters so you were pretty mad that Derek put Isaac in danger by giving him the bite. You marched over to Derek's place and decided to give him a piece of your mind.

Derek heard you coming and was waiting at the door of the Hale house. He looked at you and smiled before saying. "I wasn't expecting someone so incredibly beautiful.." The two of you were bound to fall in love.

You run into the bedroom and try to shut the door behind you but Isaac grabs the door handle and pulls it open. Then you run into the room and jump on the bed. "Jazz you have nowhere to run, just surrender." You giggled.

"Make me.." He chuckled then walked towards the bed. He grabbed your arms and pulled you off of the bed straight to the ground, attacking you with tickled. You laughed.

Then there was a knock on the door. Both of you looked up and Derek was standing at the bedroom door. Isaac stopped tickling you and you took the opportunity to push him off of you and running towards Derek.

"Hey Dimples." You said cheekily before kissing Derek.

"Hey Jazz.." He said with a smile. He looked at Isaac. "Isaac.." The smiles was slightly smaller.

"Um I was just about to go make dinner, Isaac are you going to join us ?" You ask breaking the awkward silence.

"Actually Isaac maybe you should get going.." Derek said giving Isaac a mean look.

"Wait why ?" You asked but before Derek could say something Isaac interrupted.

"Actually I probably should besides Scott is waiting for me." He fakes a smile. "See you soon Jazz."

A few minutes later you hear the front door slam shut. You turn do Derek in confusion. "Um what was that? " you ask folding your arms.

"Nothing. I have to go help Stiles with something. I'll be home for dinner though." He kisses your forehead and then he leaves you with the vague answer hanging in the air.


The room was silent except for the knives and forks clashing against the plates. Which was weird since dinner usually consists of you talking Derek's ear off and Derek smiling like a idiot in between bites at what you said.

"Derek is everything okay? " You ask after taking a sip of your water. He looked at you.

"Yeah Jazz why wouldn't it be." He answers but you give him the look. He sighed. "Look Jasmine I just don't like it that you and Isaac spend so much time together.. alone."

"Why would that bother you I mean-. Derek sweety are you jealous?" You ask smirking.

"What. No way. I am Derek Hale I don't get jealous." He spat the words out like they would burn him.

You stood up and wrapped your arms around his neck from behind and then kissed the back of his head. "Now that is officially the cutest thing ever." Derek turned his chair and looked up at you. "It is also extremely stupid. I love you Derek Hale more than I could possibly describe. You are the only person I could ever imagine being with. You make me happy Derek, more than I thought was humanely possible." He smiles and pulls you down onto his lap.

"I love you too." He whispers before connecting your lips,  after a while you both pull away.

"Movies and cuddle.." You ask playing with the hair in his neck.

"Movies and cuddle." He replies picking you up and carrying you to the coach.

Derek sets you down on the coach. He then puts the movie in the DVD player and plops down next to you. You throw your legs on his lap and rest your head on his shoulder as he wraps his arms around you pulling you closer into his embrace.

"Oh and Jazz, don't ever call me cute again." He says just the movie starts.

"Hmm don't worry sourwolf you are always gonna be my cutie pie." You giggle but Derek stops you by smashing his lips to yours.



𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now