My Angel

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 I would like to dedicate this one to SafiraBlossom . Hope you like it.


"Okay so promise you are gonna call me everyday?"  You say walking down the driveway with Derek. He smiles.

"I'll call you twice a day." You giggle.

"You're such a dork. I am going to miss you so much." Derek smiles again before pulling you in for a big bear hug.

"I am going to miss you too." He mumbles over your head. You both pull away.

"Look Der I know things haven't been the same between us since we started high school but I am really sorry about your family." 

"Shania these last few years have been crazy you know with basketball and everything but you are still my closest friend, you will always be. Holy shit,  I sound like a girl." You giggle.

"Yeah your teammates would probably kick your butt if they heard that." Derek laughs.

"Goodbye Shania.."

That was the last time you saw Derek Hale. After high school you got accepted into Harvard. You and your mom moved away from Beacon Hills to be closer to the university. You got a PHD in criminal psychology.

Your mom has always been there you support you no natter what. Sure she was a little scared when her little girl went to work for the FBI but she also knew the reason why you wanted to work there in the first place.

When you were little you dad was very abusive towards your mom . He was a no good drunk who only cared about himself. You were 10 when he hit you for the first time and that is when your mom packed your  bags and moved the two off you to Beacon Hills.


"Wait you are actually coming?" You giggle putting the phone on speaker as you get into the car.

"Yeah Jordan I am actually coming." You could hear him smile across the phone.

"Shania I can't wait.." He says overjoyed.

"Aw did you miss me deputy." You joke.

"Of course I did. I got used to having you by my side, bothering me 24/7 for 2 years, it's weird not having you here."

"That is cute. Okay gotta go though, see you soon big bro.."

Jordan Parrish. Deputy Jordan Parrish. Sounds weird. You met Jordan in your first year working at the FBI. He was pushing papers never leaving the office. He was the first person you met at the FBI, basically your only friend.

Over the two years the two of you worked together you became extremely close, he was like a big brother to you. But then he got the job as deputy in Beacon Hills. You couldn't have been more proud of him but it was really hard for you to lose your friend.

So you did what any other best friend would do, you got a job working at the same station he was working at. For some people that would sound really weird almost kind of stalker like actions. Although Jordan was the one who got you the job.

It was nothing big really. Very low salary not a lot of privileges but it was actually a good opportunity. Especially with all the weird things happening in Beacon Hills. A small part of you wanted to find out more about the supernatural things that everyone seemed to ignore. Besides who wouldn't wanna work as a consultant for the one and only Sheriff Stilinski.

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