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This one's for Lost-Souls- .


Lia's pov.

"You need to try and fall back asleep Lia." Stiles whispers as he covers me with the blanket. He's tired himself and having to jump out of bed every few hours to tend to my screaming is hard for him. I can tell he is worried about me. Dad is worried too. They don't know what triggered these kind of dreams. They both tried to keep me away from all the horrors they face daily. Like the werewolves and all the evil that follow them.

No one could have  planned against me falling in love with Derek Hale but just as easily as he came into my life he went out just the same.

He had to leave, not only for my safety but for his own. That's when the nightmares started. Every time I'd close my eyes I'd see him die, over and over until I couldn't watch anymore, my screams would fill our little house causing alarm for both Stiles and our dad.

I try not to but as his blood drips from my fingers and his lifeless eyes stare up at me, everything in me crumbles.

He doesn't know. I don't want to give him something more to worry about. I just wish he'd finally come home. I wish he could once again wrap his arms around my body so tightly, like nothing could ever hurt me or him.

I wish I could stop losing him every night.


Derek's pov.

I'm finally home. I'm finally going to see my Lia again. Leaving her was one of the hardest things I had to do. The way her eyes filled with tears as I kissed her goodbye. I wanted to rearrange the universe in a way where she never had to be sad again. Ever.

I wanted to go back to her so many times and there were so many times where I almost did.

And here I am running through the woods, storming towards her house. I'm going to see her, feel her. Kiss her. Hold her petite figure in my arms, against my body.

I slow down as her house draws near. I jump up into one of the trees that's close to her window and from there I jump into her room. The house is silent. Sheriff's Stilinski snores lightly and Stiles is whispering stuff in his sleep.

Her room smells just like a remember, a mix of strawberry from her shampoo and the old paper of her thousands of old books. She is curled up into a little ball as she slightly moves, probably from her dreams. She is covered in her blanket . Her lips move lightly as little words form. Her face looks a lot different then it did a month ago, her lips are dry and even as her eyes are closed I see the bags under her eyes.

Her voice grows a little louder as her words become clear. "No." She repeats again and again. She starts moving around restlessly and her little hands grip tighter onto the pillow in her arms.  I move over to the bed ready to wake her when she screams, it's so loud I want to cover my ears. But instead I sit down next to her on the bed and carefully take her into my arms.

Her eyes are squeezed shut as the screaming continues. "Lia, honey look at me." Her body tenses up in my arms and she goes silent immediately. She slowly opens her eyes. I wipe the hair away from her forehead. Her hands find mine and she breathes out a shaky breath. Sitting up she moves slightly on my lap.

"Derek?" She asks placing her hand on my cheek. I take it in mine and gently kiss the inside of her her hand.

"Please tell me I'm not the reason for your screaming." She looks down and my heart aches.  "What were you dreaming about Lia?" She shakes her head as if the memory of them scare her to much to talk about them. "Please tell me." She moves away from me and gets up from the bed completely.

"I missed you." She comments tying her hair up in a pony on her head. She pulls a robe over her little night gown.

"Lia." What can really be so bad she wouldn't want to tell me. She slides down against the closet door and bring her knees up against her chest once she's on the floor.

"You die." Her hands fall to her lap. "Every time. No matter what I do or how hard we try and stop it, you always die. And then you're gone and I don't know what to do and no one helps you and I just-" Her words die out from the sobs of her crying. I jump up from the bed and sit down next to her. Taking her in my arms I can't help but feel guilty for what I have put her through.

"I'm sorry." I kiss her forehead. "I am so, so sorry for not being here." She doesn't reply and I don't think I want her to. If we could just stay like this for a while maybe things will be okay, for both of us.

She pulls away. "You're here now." She leans forward and lightly brushes her lips against mine. I groan involuntarily and she giggles the closeness of our bodies causing her laughter to vibrate against my chest. "You're here now, and you're holding me." Her hands move over my chest. "You're kissing me." She kisses me neck. "You're loving me." She smiles as I give in and finally kiss her lips.

She pulls away from the kiss and covers her mouth to hide her yawning. "We can catch up tomorrow. " I stand up from the floor lifting her up with me. I drag her with me to the bed and she leans against my chests. "Get some sleep honey." She nods and closes her eyes.

"I love you." She whispers as she slowly starts falling asleep. 


A few hours later I find myself staring down at the sleeping girl in my arms. She hasn't woken up yet. Every now and then she moves and I'm afraid she's having another nightmare but then a little smile forms on her lips and I can breathe again.

My Lia. My sweet and innocent Lia.  I'm here now and I'm not leaving her again. No matter what. She needs me and I need her.

She was the beautiful dream I had been searching for. The one to wake me up. (Atticus)

My little Lia.


xoxo.. M

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