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@Alec_Wolf Alec_Wolf

Word count: 2528


"I can't." You bring the gun down and Derek sighs.

"Just pull the trigger Y/N, I'm going to heal anyway." He lifts your hands to place the gun in front of his chest.

"It doesn't matter, I can't just shoot someone. It feels-"

"Wrong." Derek scoffs and takes the gun from your hand. He roughly removes the bullets. "These people we're running from don't care if it feels wrong. They don't care that you are a nineteen year old girl who never did anything wrong. You're just collateral damage." Derek continues and his face shows no regret as to what he had said, in fact it doesn't faze him at all.

"I can fight back Derek but not with a weapon. I am a werewolf too, you know. I-"

"You are weak, that is what you are. You're more helpful trying to use a weapon than trying to be a capable werewolf."

"You're not helping me feel any better." He scoffs.

"That's not my job. Stiles asked me to help you hide what you are and I tried but it is a waste of time. At best you'll be lucky to come out of there alive, so that's my advice. Stay alive."

Derek and you have never been close even though you tried to stay civil. This was important though. Your life was literally on the line and he acted like he didn't give a damn. Which in all honesty you knew he didn't. It just felt like you were alone in this. Your father is still oblivious to the fact that you are a werewolf at all. Your twin brother Stiles is like a closed book when it comes to anything other than protecting Scott.

So here you are standing in the loft trying so hard to hide the fear burning in your stomach. But you can't . You can't pretend that humans and supernaturals killing each other is okay. That two teenagers morphing into a larger and creepier Medusa is normal, because it isn't.

"I should go." Derek grabs your arm and turns you to be facing him.

Look I'mI sorry. I know it's hard for you and I know you're scared but in the end you don't have to be. I've got your back Y/n." His fingers move in a gentle stride down to your fingers. "Always."


It's early the next morning when the scent of blood draws the attention of two werewolves gathering in the woods. An attempt to find fighters led to so much worse.

"Why isn't she healing?" Derek's voice is the first sound that you hear. Also the first face you see and as the strong arms grip onto your folded body, the first touch you feel. Noticing you're awake Derek pulls backwards and frowns. "What did I say. Huh ?"

It's but a few minutes later when he sets you down on his sofa.

"Do I want to know?" Derek crouches down in front of you. With a subtle answer you sake you head. "Okay but you need to force yourself to heal."

You're hands numbly press against the blood soaked shreds of your shirt. Being what you are had gotten you into this mess to begin with. You were simply going for a run in the woods to clear your head when a sharp arrow came flying into your stomach.

He wouldn't stop. He just kept kicking you but you couldn't fight back. You couldn't shift and that meant you couldn't heal. You used every ounce of strength to keep yourself from screaming. He only stopped when he assumed you were dead.

What has this awful world come to ?

"We should call Stiles." Scott takes his phone from his pocket and starts dialing. Everything in you wants to object. It is enough that he and Derek saw you like this, it wasn't like you wanted more people to. Your clothes are wrenched with blood and dirt. You are sitting on this sofa wishing you were anywhere else. With anyone else. Never in your life have you been treated like that, like a monster. It made you feel so dirty.

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