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Request for @sophia0846


"Derek?" I almost whisper as I stumble out of the bed, wiping at my eyes to assist me in waking up. Derek hums lightly from somewhere in the loft and I let out a gentle sigh as I reach over to turn on the lamp on the bedside table. I smile softly when my eyes land on the sight of Derek sitting upright on the couch, hands folded over a closed book as he looks back at me. "What are you doing over there?"

"I couldn't sleep," He informs me, throwing the book to the other side of the couch as he watches me pull down his t-shirt to cover myself. "I was moving around like crazy, I didn't want to wake you," he tells me, reaching a hand out towards me as I still in front of him. "Come here," He asks softly, smiling slightly as our hands touch and he gently pulls me to sit down next to him.

"I wouldn't have mind," I say to which he offers a mere hum in reply, hand snaking around my waist as he pulls me against him. "You worried about the alpha pack?" I ask, moving a hand to his chest as he nods lightly. "Oh, baby..." I muse, moving to rest my head against his shoulder, the action and the words earning me a small smile before his face slips back to a worried mindless glare.

"We're not ready," He comments lowly, shaking his head as he leans back against the couch. "I don't think we ever really could be," He adds and sighs as he closes his eyes.

"I know," I say, fingers fiddling with his shirt, he opens his eyes to watch my movements. "But I also know that you worrying yourself like this won't help," I inform him simply, tone soft as I look up at him. "You need to rest, my love," He hums again, acknowledging my words, yet clearly not taking them in. "What can I do?" He shuffles lightly to adjust himself, hand gripping me tightly to stop me from leaving.

"Just be here," He begins, fingers delicately moving up and down over the exposed skin of my arm, shivers tickling through my body as a result. "Just keep talking to me," He closes his eyes again, leaning his head against the back of the couch. "Your voice calms me," He explains and I'm grateful that his eyes are closed as I blush.

"Should I tell you about my day?" I ask and he nods, pulling me closer still. "I forgot to set my alarm last night, so I was late," I begin, and he smiles, knowing that he had reminded me twice to set it before we went to sleep. "So of course, when I finally got to work, I was so rushed and barely awake still and I walked right into Deaton on my way in, spilling my coffee all over him," I say, shaking my head as his smile grows. "It was chaos, which is why he had me feed the cats today and you just know that those little monsters don't like me," I explain even more as I feel his breathing slow down the tiniest bit, making me smile in response.

"What else?" He asks, voice slow as he starts drifting and I cuddle closer to his side, placing my chin on his chest to stare up at him.

"I stopped at the store on my way here, bought you some of those chocolate bars that you like so much," His interest is peaked as he opens his eyes to look at me.

"Really?" He questions sheepishly, eyes twinkling, I simply hum in response, watching as he ponders over the new information.

"Stay here," I instruct with a small laugh, smiling sympathetically when he reaches out to stop me from leaving his side. "I'll be right back, baby" I tell him with a nod, footsteps padding against the floor as I fetch the chocolates from the kitchen. He grins widely when I step back into view, sitting down next to him and pulling my feet under me as I remove the wrapper of the chocolate bar.

"Hmm," Derek muses lightly as I pull the bar away from his mouth, taking a bite as well while he chews. "Delicious," he tells me, tilting his head as he watches me carefully, taking another small bite when I hold the bar in front of his mouth, and I can't fight the blush that creeps to my cheeks while I almost squirm under his attentive gaze.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask which simply makes him smile, a hand lifting to wipe some chocolate from my lips.

"Like what, my love," He questions amused and I almost combust at the little petname, which is probably exactly why he used it no doubt as he very rarely does. He nimbly drapes his hand over my knee, sparing me a quick wink as he slowly takes another bite from the chocolate.

"Naughty,' I groan, slapping his chest lightly as he continues to stare me down, the gesture emitting a soft laugh from his tired lips, the sound making my own shyness slip away.

"Like what?" He asks me again, crumbling the rapper and throwing it to the floor, shrugging when I give him a disapproving glare, not at all serious as I move my hand to his, lifting it from my knee to entwine my fingers with his. I shake my head, looking at our hands instead. "Answer me, please," He commands lightly, and I roll my eyes before meeting his gaze.

"Lovingly," I note, and he hums, carefully leaning towards me.

"Why shouldn't I?" He asks me lightly and I raise a brow at him, eyes not daring to leave his in fear I'll miss what he'll say next. "I do love you, after all," He announces softly, clearly, as my heart beats in my throat.

"You haven't said that before," I note, mouth tilting into a happy smile as I watch him for any sign of mock, just in case. "You mean it?" I ask softly, his eyes now jumping around the features of my face, stilling on my reddened cheeks which I make no attempt to hide as he pulls me closer.

"Yes," He lifts a hand to my face, delicately clearing hair from his way before his fingers touch my skin. "I love you," he says again, and my smile grows.

"I love you too."

"I know," He notes and rests his head against mine, gripping onto me. "You have the best way of showing it too," He adds and we're almost too close to really look at each other but I can tell he's trying. "You are too good to me," He offers hesitantly, and I pull back slightly.

"Don't say that. " I muse, sitting back completely, Derek's hands reaching out to try and stop me. "You need to get some sleep, my love," I command softly, the word seeming foreign having heard it from his lips instead of just mine. I move the book he was reading earlier onto the floor, pushing myself against the corner of the couch, legs to the side to leave room for him. "Come on," I instruct with a small smile as I extend my arms wide for him to come lay down on me. He considers it for a second, brows raised as he looks me over before releasing a soft sigh and doing as he's told. His motions are careful as he settles between my legs, arms around my waist as he gently nudges his head into the crook of my neck, I allow him a second to get comfortable before wrapping my arms around him as well, one hand on his neck while the other tangles into his hair, softly fiddling with the black tendrils as he mumbles incoherent groans against me.

"You're too good to be true, Y/n," he says, and I feel him smile before placing a soft kiss against my neck, our current position leaving no room for me to shy away from the gesture that usually leaves me a giggling mess. "My perfect girl," He notes after a second and I can tell that he's already starting to relax against me, breath faltering and eyes closing as I continue playing with his hair.

"My perfect boy," I offer in reply, whispering as his grip tightens.

"Never leave me," He almost demands, voice hazy as he opens his eyes. "Say you'll never leave me?" His eyes meet mine and I nod quickly, pulling him down again as I kiss his forehead.

"Never," I promise with certainty, smiling when his body relaxes against me again, his eyes closing almost without permission as he sighs lightly. "I'll never leave you, my love." 


Hii there, I hope this is what you had in mind, I hope there was enough fluff. The title is a little corny, I couldn't figure out what to name it, I'm sorry. Please let me know what you think! More imagines coming soon, thank you for everyone who requested. 

Tumblr link: https://mjoubertt-1.tumblr.com/ 


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