Angel with a shotgun

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Imagine for Birdiessongs. Enjoy.


"I'm on my way." I say just as a sharp scream sounds on the other side of the line. " What was that?" I ask as I drive even faster, feeling fundamentally terrified at the idea of that scream belonging to Derek.

"I pulled out the pole!" Cora shouts in reply with just as much hostility as the question was asked in.

"Out of where?" I question, resting the phone between my shoulder and my ear while I search for the mini shotgun in the glove compartment, smiling to myself when my fingers touch the cold object. Whoever did this could come back while I'm there and I need to be able to defend myself.

"His abdomen." Cora replies and I sigh in annoyance throwing my head back to roll my eyes.

"That was groundbreakingly stupid." I retort and I hear her scoff. "I'm turning the corner. Put pressure on the wound and keep him awake, the pole was keeping him stable so let's hope he doesn't bleed out before I get there." I end throwing the phone onto the seat next to me and shoving the gun into the halter around my thigh.

I push down on the brake after pulling up to Derek's building, pulling down the leather skirt to hide the gun as I walk to the door which I find already open. Derek's on the ground at the far end of the loft, breathing quite visibly as blood surrounds him. I lock eyes with Cora first, who has a bewildered look on her face as her hands soak in his blood.

"He's not healing." She comments which causes Derek to tilt his head to see me, a glimmer of relieve in his eyes when I look down at him. Without saying anything, I walk over to him, kneeling beside him and ignoring the wetness meeting my clothes.

I remove my jacket and fold it into a ball, eyeing Cora's hands for a second before she hurriedly scurries back. I move closer to hover over Derek and with a delicate touch I push the jacket onto the wound which makes him moan out in pain.

"I'm sorry, baby." I whisper apologetically and his eyes remain on mine. I use my mouth to take off my wedding ring and toss it to Cora who looks at me confused before I refocus my grip on the jacket by pushing my other hand down onto the material as well, feeling the warmth of the red liquid meeting my fingers. My head spins as I watch Derek slowly open and close his eyes, making me worry even more when I realize he hasn't said anything.

I've never had to do this for him. I've been a healer for most of my life and I've had to heal my friends more times than I could quite frankly keep track of. But I never wanted to be in this position, I never wanted to be his last chance to either live or die and knowing that I am, scares me even more.

"Are you going to do something?" Cora asks dryly, standing up and wiping her hands on her pants. "Your kind has to be good for something, so stop staring at him and help him already." She adds and even in his weakened state Derek turns to give her an angry glance. I take in a deep breath before throwing the jacket to his side.

"You should go, Cora." I command when my fingers touch his stomach, where a strong aura of pain stings against my flesh, hurting me almost as much as it hurts him.

"I'm his sister, I'm not leaving him." She retorts bitterly and I sigh.

"I'm about to physically absorb the pain out of my husband's body and into my own. And even though I am very good at doing that, I can't be distracted." I push down onto the wound harder and the pain shoots into my veins. "So please, for his sake, get the hell out." I add and she scoffs before stomping away, making me roll my eyes before looking down again. Derek smiles up at me when I meet his gaze and I close my eyes when I see the blood on his teeth and lips.

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