Love you as much

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He was trying his best to stay calm, honestly, he'd just gone to the bar for a little breather- it was odd, he thought, leaving behind bad habits left his day surprisingly empty. He needed a minute to ponder his newfound free time when someone bumped right into him, spilling his drink all over his recently drycleaned, smoke-free leather jacket, absolutely ruining it before he even got to show it off.

He was very much aware of you and your friends sitting across the bar, he was also very aware of the lingering gazes you attempted to steal though it wasn't nearly as subtle as you thought they were. When the poor drunken teenager realized who exactly they had just bumped into he recoiled instantly. Derek dismissed the rambled apologies with a grunt and a raised hand before huffing off to the bathroom. He didn't think you'd meet him halfway though.

"Here," you smiled, handing him the napkin already stained with your lipgloss though you had a feeling he wouldn't mind that.

"Thanks, trouble," you were surprised at how quickly he switched from being that annoyed to that charming.

"You here all alone?" you hoped that sounded casual, it definitely wasn't, but hell if you were to let him know you were watching him to see if he bought another girl with him just because you were waiting for him to clean up his act.

"Course I am," he didn't try to hide the smirk that laced his lips as he wiped the beer from his jacket, managing to make the completely mundane act look far too sexy for it to be fair. "That make you happy?"

"No," you lied, he could tell, it only made the little scoff he gave you feel so much worse, heat rushing to your neck as he looked you up and down.


"No," you didn't care much for the little laugh he offered you, so you simply had to deter him. "Thank you for not beating up my friend," he hadn't realized, of course, that the guy that had him fuming a second ago was actually Liam Dunbar, the newest member of your friend group, but boy was he happy he decided to be on his best behavior tonight.

"Don't mention it," he was actually very damn chuffed that you'd mentioned it. "Anything for you," and when you left him with a little smile to go back to your group he wondered if you noticed his jacket too. 

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now