Can't leave yet

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Hey this one is for.. neonblue98 .. hope it's worth the wait..


Derek's pov.

I hate pack meetings. I absolutely dread them. Really I do, I mean it's a waist of precious time that could be spend reading or working out.

Honestly I would ditch these meetings in a heartbeat. But of course there is one person who makes sitting through hours and hours or meaningless talking worth it.


She's beautiful. She really is but not an obvious type of beautiful, more like a pure type of beautiful. I could watch her for hours. Not in a creepy kind of way of course. It's just that somehow she makes the most simplest of actions seem elegant.

"Derek if you stare at that window any harder it's gonna break." Lily's voice fills the room as she suddenly speaks from behind me. Once I turn around I'm met with her beautiful features. She looks gorgeous as always. She's wearing this light blue jean with rips at the knees, a plain white shirt with thin straps, white converse and the jean jacket she stole from my cupboard wrapped around her waist. And as always the scent of vanilla fills your nose.

"Oh he's smiling, watch out Hale people might think you have emotions." She jokes only causing my smile to grow wider. "So what do you say we skip the stupid pack meeting and just head out to see a movie.." Lily states as she pulls herself onto the counter in the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen.

"Since I'm older than you I'm suppose to tell you what a bad idea that is but I hate pack meetings and I would literally say yes to about anything right now."

"Is that the Derek way of saying 'Yes Lily I would love to go see a movie with you'." She questions sarcastically and I smile.

"Yes Lily I would love to go see a movie with you.." I reply tickling her stomach.

"Should I come back later?" Lily jumps off of the counter and runs past me to greet Isaac.

"Hello to you too." She wraps her arms around him in a hug. Is it wrong that I'm kind of jealous.

"Hey Lil. Derek.." Isaac greets.

"Okay so we're sneaking off to a movie, want to join us?" Lily asks cheerfully. Isaac looks at Lily for a second and then he looks at me. Isaac being one of my closest friends of course he knows about my stupid crush on a girl who probably doesn't even think of me as more as friend. Apparently my silence was enough of an answer.

"You know Lil I can't remember the last time I went to see a movie, but I think someone should stay behind and make sure no one suspects a thing.." Isaac points out.

"Okay well Der we better get going then, see you later Izz.." Lily kisses his cheek and then runs over to the door grabbing my car keys in the process. "I'm driving." She shouts before running out of the loft and slamming the door behind her.

Once she's out of the room Isaac looks at me with this creepy smirk on his face. "What." I ask and Isaac laughs lightly. "It's just a movie Isaac." I state rolling my eyes. Obviously he's trying to point out the fact that we're going to be doing something non pack related on our own.

"Uh no it's not Derek, looks like you're not the only one with a crush." Isaac states plopping down on the couch.

"You're insane, she just wanted to get out of another pack meeting and I just happened to be the only person here."

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now