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"What the hell are we suppose to do now?" Stiles ask dramatically as he and Scott run into the hospital. The stretcher with you on it not far behind them.

"I don't know." Scott says nervously running his hand through his hair. Both of the boys step out of the way as a bunch of doctors come running into the hospital with you following.

"Well we have to think of something. Cora asked us to keep an eye on her and now she is in the hospital." Stiles points out.

" I know." Scott replies.

"We just saw Deucalian attack an innocent girl right before he sank his pointy werewolf teeth into her neck. Scott do I have to remind you what happens if a werewolf bites a human." Stiles asks.

"Stiles I know all of this.. I saw all of this too I just need some time to think."

"Oh that's all. Well in that case take all the time you need I mean it's not like Cora's friend is turning into a werewolf as we speak or anything." Stiles snaps sarcastically. Scott shoots Stiles an irritated look.

"Call Derek."

"What no. Are you crazy ? You want to call the big mean older brother. Dude he is gonna kill us." Stiles says making a dramatic hand motion.

"Yeah well if her body fights the bite she might be the dead one. Call Derek."

Stiles sighs before taking his phone out of his pocket and dialing Derek's number.

D- Hello..

S- Hey Derek it's Stiles.

D- Yeah idiot I have caller ID.

S- Right. Look we need your help.

D- What did you do?

S- I mean technically we didn't do anything. If it wasn't for Deucalian we wouldn't be here.

D- Be where ?

S- at the hospital with y/n.

D- Wait y/n. Just wait for me I'll be there in five.

Derek hung up the phone leaving a very confused Stiles. "What did he say." Scott asks.

"He's on his way."


"What the hell happened?" Derek shouts as he comes into the hospital.

"Well there was a lot that happened so you're gonna have to be more specific." Derek sighs.

"Explain to me how I leave her with the two of you for less than an hour and she gets bitten by a freaken werewolf." Derek snaps back frustrated.

"It just sort of happened.." Scott says.

"Just sort of happened." Derek repeats. He steps forward and picks Scott up by his shirt lifting him in the air. "I swear I am goi-"

"Derek put him down." You say calmly as the nurse wheels your bed into a room.

Derek releases Scott and turns to you. He just stands there looking at you covered in scratches and pale from all the blood you've lost. "Honey come over here." You say and without wasting time Derek walks over to you. You sit up and wrap your arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around your waist gently pulling you closer into his embrace.

"Scott I think we missed something." Stiles points out. Scott gives him a confused look. "Her hand Scott look at her hand." Scott looks at your hand and sees the diamond ring sparkling on your ring finger.

Derek pulls away from the hug. "Are you okay? Does it still hurt?" He looks at you worried.

"Baby I am fine, it's healing." You say carefully already knowing what's going through Derek's head.

"Let me see." You nod taking your hair out of your neck. Derek slowly peels away the bandage. The bite mark are almost gone. Derek sighs. "I am so sorry y/n." He mumbles running his hand through his hair.

You and Derek have been together for as long as you could remember. You guys talked about you becoming a werewolf a little while after you got married. And even though you loved Derek with everything in you, you didn't want that.

Now you didn't have a choice. But instead of being scared or angry you felt relief, knowing that Derek is here with you made all of the other things storming around in your head disappear.

You placed your hands on Derek's face rubbing your thumbs up and down. "We can do this.. I know we can. Just like we got through everything else. The alpha pack, you almost dying countless times, getting married in Beacon Hills and everything else. We got through it cause we did it together. " Derek places his hand on yours after you finished speaking.

"I love you so much.." He says leaning forward and placing a small kiss on your lips.

"I love you too. Now I think you should apologize to the boys." You look over to Scott and Stiles who are standing outside your hospital room. You smile at them and Stiles does an awkward wave. You giggle. "I like them, they remind me if you when I met you in high school." You say and Derek chuckles.

Scott and Stiles walk into the room. "Uh, we are so sorry- ." Scott starts but you interrupt him.

"Scott please stop apologizing non of this is your fault, right Derek. ?" You trail off looking at Derek.


"So you're gonna be a werewolf huh." Stiles points out.

"Are you ready for that.." Scott asks. You look towards Derek and he smiles. "

Together." You mumble not really answering the boys' questions. Derek leans forward and kisses your forehead.

"Together.." He replies. At that moment  you knew that no matter what the future held you could get through it as long as you had Derek.


xoxo.. *M

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now