Say you won't let go

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Italics are not written by me- credit goes to James Arthur.

Short goodbye A/n at the end.


I remember the day we met. You were in a bar all alone drinking soda from a twisty straw in a bar full of idiots who were more than just a little tipsy. You were beautiful. I couldn't believe a girl like you had somehow stumbled into this awful beat up bar instead of any other awful beat up bar. Even from a distance it was obvious you were down in the dumps. I wanted to know what had made you so upset. Not to kill my curiosity but to make it go away.

I sat down next to you at the bar along with at least five other drunken men. I ordered a drink and caught you staring at the bottle as the bar tender filled the whisky glass. You ordered another soda with the wave of your hand and I was extremely disappointed that I didn't get to hear your voice. It became clear that you've been ordering quite a few of those.

The bar tender placed the drink in front of you and frowned as he asked if you wanted something stronger. The question seemed to puzzle you. "Stronger." I asked catching your attention. You turned in your seat and the sent of roses mixed with cola hit me like a bomb. It took me a minute to regain my breath as your beauty almost knocked me off my seat. You looked at me as if I was just another one of the scums hitting on you. "If you don't switch her to zero mate, I might have to call her a cab." Your face softened and you laughed at my sad attempt at a joke. The sound pulled at my heart strings.

There was something about you. It wasn't love at first sight. I didn't want you to be mine. The thought of making out with you in the bathroom only came up after I left.

You intrigued me. That's all it was. So much so that I returned the next night in hopes that you'd be there. And you were.

We kept meeting like that. Every night until one night you did in fact order something stronger. Both of us ended up drinking to much. I took you to your apartment and tried my best to swallow down as I held back your hair while you were throwing up. You wiped your mouth and then smiled at me. So sweet and innocent and the vision of pure beauty. You groaned and I smiled pulling you into a hug, closer into my chest.

With slurred words you asked me to stay over. Although the offer was quite intriguing I managed to convince you to get to bed and get some rest.

I left knowing full well I'd kick myself in the morning once sober.

I knew I'd loved you then. But you'd never know. Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go.

I knew I needed you and hope you know but I want to stay with you until we're grey and old.

So say you won't let go.

And just like that we were married. We had this beautiful love that I couldn't describe then and I can't describe now.

Every now and then I'd find you looking back in horror at the troubles of your past and it broke me, not being able to protect you from the demons in your dreams. Your insecurities got the best of you more than once.

It always stunned me how even after getting married you were still scared of trusting me. I found myself dreading the day you'd leave me.

But you never did.

I'd continue waking you up with coffee and breakfast in bed, greeting you with a kiss.

After a year of marriage we had a baby boy and a while after, another. I drove the kids to school in that awful minivan some days, waving goodbye as they walked into the large building.

I found myself always looking back on our lives. The night I met you. Or the night we both drank to much. You came into my life and changed everything I thought I knew. We were two people bruised by this world and somehow when we came together we healed each other.

There is no such thing as a perfect person. Until someone comes into our lives and aligns our stars.

Along came our ten year anniversary. You dressed up in a beautiful dress and everything about you looked perfect. We danced and we danced and I realized you were even more beautiful than the night we met, I knew that you would only get better.

You make me feel this way somehow.

I'm so in love with you. I hope you know. Darling your love is more than it's worth in gold.

We've come so far my dear, look how we've grown. I want to stay with you until we're grey and old.

Say you won't let go.

And now we're here. I'm staring at you and even if I know it's you it simply isn't you. You're laying here in this hospital bed and I knew you wouldn't want this.

But I'm selfish. I can't let you die. I don't want to live a life without you because a life without you is a life not worth living. I can't raise our kids alone. I can't do any of this on my own.

The sickness broke you. Your heart won't beat and your lungs won't breathe and I haven't seen your beautiful eyes in months.

You're weak and in pain and no matter what I tell myself, I can not pull that plug and end your life.

I want to live with you even when where ghost. Because you were always there for me when I needed you most.

I'm gonna love you till my lungs give out, I promise till death we part like in our vows.

Now everybody knows that it's just you and me until we're grey and old.

Say you won't let go..

You're gone now. We've said our goodbyes. You kept your promise my dear Y/n. You fought until the very end. You didn't let go. Even when you were dying

But I did.

I let you go my love.

And I'm sorry.


I don't even know where to start.. I'm not gonna make this some long goodbye cause I know most of ya lovelies won't read it anyway.

So uh first of all I guess I would say thanks for sticking with this book up to here, even through the crappy spelling and suckish stories and a lot of authors notes..

I'm aware that I don't know any of you guys but I am so grateful that you gave this book a chance. This has built me in so many ways and your support has been like the steady bricks.

So I'm sure this is just another finished book and you'll probably find a new one with a better writer so I hope you do and I hope she or he is awesome and I hope the story is amazing and fantastic and everything this one was not.

Lots and lots of love you guys.

xoxo.. M

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