Fragments of forever

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A/n: this is an Elijah Mikealson fic that was requested as a dialogue on tumblr


You were putting in no effort at all to keep your presence in the compound a secret, and Elijah expected no less. Successfully convincing you to stay with him was an accomplishment on its own and he had no intention of pushing you for much more than that. Hence the almost amused smile littering his lips as he heard the music streaming from his bedroom, walls practically vibrating due to the sheer volume. Though, despite that, he could still hear you existing among the chaos. Your laugh, your voice as you attempted to sing along, your scattered breathing, it guided him up the stairs almost like a sailor being entranced by a siren song.

The smile only settled deeper into his face as he opened the door to find you balancing yourself on his bed, attention solely on the glass of wine gripped in your hand, threatening to spill onto his white sheets as you allowed the rhythm of the song to do with your body as it pleased. His stare was shameless as he took you in, spontaneity in the Mikealson residence was rare and if it were to present itself, it very rarely paired itself with such elegantly chaotic beauty which he only found in his precious lover.

"Elijah," your velvet voice gasped once your dancing had led your gaze to the door, the vampire leaning against the doorframe while his fingers moved numbly to remove his vest and blazer.

"Little love," he breathed in reply, and you giggled, carefully moving to the edge of the bed, sipping at your glass as your eyes remained ever glued to his.

"Oh, do say you'll dance with me, my love?" you swooned, looking down at him with a simple stare that could convince him of the most sinful suggestions, yet begging for the opposite.

"To this?" he tutted, quick to rush to your side and reach out a steadying hand when your step down from the bed turned into a stumble. "I don't believe myself to be stuck in my ways, but I do believe dancing is to be done to proper music," he explained, raising a knowing brow at you when he stole the glass from your hands, head tilting when he took a sip of the red wine before placing it onto the ottoman in front of the bed.

"Proper music, he says," you mused, fingers now free to travel over his chest, settling on his tie as you tugged lightly at the material to free it from his neck. "Tell me, in your informed opinion, good sir, what do you consider proper music?"

"Chopin, Bach, Mozart," he paused, eyes roaming your face as you giggled at him. "Am I amusing you, Y/n?" he teased, catching you slightly off guard when a daring hand was placed onto the small of your back.

"Quite so," you informed him as you threw the tie over your shoulder with furrowed brows. "We are not to slow-dance, Elijah, in fact, I'm not sure it could be called dancing at all," you explained, a soft groan of objection being offered when you jumped out of his reach, rushing to find the remote that controlled the stereo, mischief in your eyes as you managed to turn the volume even higher.

"Is that so?" he hummed and laughed softly when you started doing exactly as you promised, dancing- no, jumping rhythmically- arms moving almost hysterically as you moved about, nothing but pure, unfiltered and unmatched excitement consuming you as the music sifted through you in an almost addictive way. "Am I to join you?" he shouted, only adding to your smile as you nodded, eagerly gesturing him towards you. "I feel foolish," he admitted once his shoulders began moving to the beat, ridding himself of his shoes as he shimmied towards you.

"You look it too," you laughed and reached for him, hands finding his as you found a common movement. "But don't you feel free as well?" you pushed and he didn't answer, hands tightening their hold on you as he pulled you about his bedroom, shifting between different movements and different surfaces for that matter, the smile not abandoning your lips for even a second.

"You're madness in a bottle, love," Elijah informed you as you toppled with him to the carpet, a breathless laugh filling the air as you turned only your head to see him. "How am I to hold onto any form of sanity, hmm?" he insisted, and though the words were clearly far from serious, he proved the notion by ever so gently lifting your hand from your side, a soft kiss placed to your wrist when he turned to look at you as well.

"Sanity," you shrugged, shifting closer to him when he refused to let your hand go. "Sanity ran out the window the second I fell in love with you," you explained, and there was no denying that fact as the two of you looked at each other, the gesture mimicking one of first encounters, every feature seeming new, undiscovered, and much like the first time you'd met each other, it was complete and utter- knock your feet out from under you- love at first sight.

"Of all the lives I've lived, this one proves to be the one to remake me the most, you..." he paused, soft lips brushing against your veins with another kiss. "You have merely shown me that my life has only now begun, upon seeing your face, upon hearing your voice, upon kissing your lips," he smiled, focus shifting to your heartbeat now, he could hear it scatter, feel it under the delicate pressure of his thumb and it said what your words often failed to say.

It told him that you felt exactly the same.

"You'll look back at me fondly then, on our little fragment of forever?" you suggested, gentle fingers tracing his cheekbone. "You'll remember how we loved? How your existence shifted my soul, how mine shifted yours?" he nodded, smiling when you leaned your forehead against his.

"I'll remember," he promised, and you smiled as well. "It may only be a fragment, my Y/n, but it'll be with me until I outlive time."

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