Favors from Heretics

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The Originals x Teen Wolf imagine for Klaus Mikaelson requested by @daddapurrfectkitten. Enjoy!! 


"He needs to be awake," I tell Jordon over the phone, nodding at some of Klaus' men walk past me. "I'm not going to magically compel a werewolf to heal himself without some sort of consent," He sighs at the other end of the phone, whispering to whoever is listening in on our conversation.

"So, if we can wake him up and he gives you permission, you'll do it?" He questions after a few minutes and I sit down on Klaus' bed, hearing him fiddling in the bathroom.

"Yes. If Derek tells me to do so, I'll heal him, but I won't do anything without his say so," I explain and I know the task in itself will be more difficult than healing his wounds. "Understood?" I question at their silence.

"Understood. We'll be there soon," He doesn't give me time to answer, ending the call abruptly and I bring my phone down to my lap.

Jordan and I have been friends for longer than I've kept track of, I knew him even before I knew Klaus, but we've drifted quite far from who we used to be. He found out what I was a few years ago and vowed that he wanted nothing to do with me- which was fair after what I'd kept hidden from him. However, he swallowed his words quite quickly after moving to Beacon Hills, finding out shortly after that he too wasn't much of a human and so we reconnected. He'd reach out every now and then, asking for advice and sharing his findings, but he'd never asked for a favour before- not until now. I'm not necessarily eager to help out either, not for Derek Hale, not for people I don't know- but he wouldn't have asked if he had any other choice and I'm not about to turn away a person with no other choice.

"Love?" I turn towards the bathroom door where Klaus' voice beckoned for me and a soft smile meets my lips at the concern tilted into the hybrid's brows. "I've been calling you," He explains, throwing the towel in his hands into the laundry bin before coming to sit down next to me. "What's bothering you, huh?" His hand gets hold of mine in an instant, pulling me closer to him without even trying. "Are you nervous to see your friend?" I nod slightly, folding my fingers around his own as I pull our hands into my lap along with my phone.

"The werewolves of Beacon Hills have not always gotten along with my kind," I tell him carefully, not wanting to meet his eyes, knowing he's already preparing an objection to my word choice. "Heretics, we're not known for our kindness and the Hale family is no stranger to the price to be paid when asking us for favors. They know us to be cruel and they have no evidence to prove them wrong."

"You're not exactly like the rest of your kind though, are you, my love?" He muses with a soft smile, lifting his other hand to my cheek. "Hmm," He nods lightly when I lean into his hand. "No, my wife is anything but cruel," He waits for my attention before lacing his lips with a small smile. "In fact, she's the very evidence in question," He moves his hand to my neck pulling me closer as he kisses me quickly, my worries melting away into the kiss.

"You'll stay?" I question when our lips part, Klaus making no move to lean away from me as I rest my forehead against his. "With me, I mean. You'll stay with me when they come?" He smiles, nodding lightly against me.

"I will not leave your side," He promises, and we both hear the sound of a car pulling up to the compound in a rush. "You're going to do brilliantly, my love," He ensures me when I hesitate to pull away, lifting me up with him instead, hand remaining entangled with my own as he slips my phone into his pocket. I allow him to guide me out of the room and down the stairs, the scent of blood thick as Jordan carries a very wounded werewolf into the compound dropping him onto the table I cleared earlier, a redhead girl following behind him.

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