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Imagine for justalittlemikaelson . Enjoy.
Warning: abusive behavior. 


I groan as his hand folds around my neck in a warning when he pushes me down onto the coffee table. A darkness settles into his eyes as his grip begins to tighten causing my hands to grab at his arm in fear.

"Not-" I try only for my throat to run dry, swallowing down the words and a smirk folds into his lips as a result. "Not in front of the kids." I stumble over the sentence in a rush looking behind him where the twins stand in tears. He stops the action although his hand remains firmly covered around my neck. He scoffs dryly.

"The kids." He chuckles lowly, making my stomach twist. "Trust me, baby." He starts as he pulls away. "The damn kids are the only reason your heart's still beating." He ends and I carefully sit upright, gaining balance against the table. He straightens himself from where he was leaning over me and I nod towards the hall when the kids look at me. They run past us quickly and I sigh in relief when the sound of a door shutting fills the house.

"You could have waited." I comment as my hands trace the bruising flesh under my chin. He scoffs again.

"No, what I should have done is kill you." He steps forwards pointing down at me. " I should have let you burn just like the rest of them. But you had to be knocked up." His words burn at my heart and I push myself up from the table to be able to face him.

"That hasn't stopped you before." I push him away from me in an attempt to walk away, but he's quick to get a hold of my wrist, pulling me to a halt. My eyes meet his and the anger oozing from him fights against the rage burning inside of me.

"Oh, it always comes back to him, doesn't it?" He questions bitterly, digging into my skin with his fingers. Another low chuckle comes from his lips and I cringe at the sound. "It always comes back to, Derek Hale."

"You killed him!" I shout and I regret the decision to raise my voice almost instantly. He pulls me closer and I desperately try to shove him away as the bourbon on his lips stings my eyes.

"Did I?" He asks simply and my head shoots in his direction as the words reside into my mind. "Was he really in the house? Did you see his body? Did you hear his name? Did you hear him scream, banshee?" He continues and a pang of uncertainty hits me. Without warning he releases me and the sudden freedom causes my legs to buckle out from under me, sending me stumbling onto my knees. He watches me fall and I see a shiver of emotion in his eyes when he does, but it's replaced with the same emptiness he always looks at me with. "I'll be at the bar, don't wait up." He states ignoring the tears streaming over my cheeks. I reach upwards to grab the end of the jacket and stop him from walking.

"Tell me if he's dead!" I demand and he looks at the door. He stays quiet before briskly ripping himself away from me and walking to the exit. His head tilts my way when his hand turns on the knob.

"You and those kids better be asleep when I come home." He retorts and I watch in a daze as he shuts the door behind him.

It's can't be true. Derek can't be alive. I'd know if he was, I'd feel it. Besides if he were alive, he'd have come for me. He would've found me by now, he'd have saved me by now. It's been nine years. If he were alive, I'd be with him. It had to be another one of his tricks, his lies, another manipulative game. But I know four of them survived. Four of the Hales survived the fire, four of them didn't die. What if he's one of them? What if he thinks I was in there when it went ablaze? What if that's why he didn't try to find me?

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now