Crazy stupid love

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Derek wore his fancy jacket, his "this is serious" jacket, his "today you're a gentleman jacket"- how was he to know he'd need more than his jacket and his perfect meet-the-family lines to win over his best friend to let him continue dating his daughter? Dinner was awkward to say the very least, neither your dad nor Derek had acknowledged where they knew each other from before meeting tonight, the night of your birthday dinner, but it was clear there was history there and no one was going to say something first so no one was yet to say anything at all.

Your dad was slicing at his steak in a way that made the whole act seem a little personal, his eyes on Derek's every move as the werewolf tried not to react to you slipping your hand onto his knee like you always did, it was one of his favorite little gestures which is why you were a little surprised when he didn't slip his hand onto yours right away, taking a big gulp from his wine glass in the process

"You two are pretty cozy," your dad noted and you were grateful for Allison's presence next to you to share in a questioning stare because does no one remember you coming home from at least a hundred dates talking about just how amazing Derek was? "What's it been like a week or two?"

"Dad, we've been dating for a few months now," you breathed, not even thinking as you scooped the crunchy carrots from your plate into Derek's, smiling your usual sweet smile and silently asking him to get rid of them for you. "I'd say it would be a little weird if we weren't cozy," you scoffed, thumb brushing over Derek's as you leaned into his side, extremely confused when it made him take in a loud breath of air. You didn't want it to be too obvious when you gave him a little look to ask what was wrong, but it wouldn't have mattered because the man wasn't even looking at you to begin with.

"So, Derek, have you two thought any more about moving in together?" Allison had no idea the terror her question would cause both Derek and your dad looking at her with complete horror as she took another bite of the bread Derek made. "What?" you were curious too, finally being able to meet your boyfriend's gaze and having no idea why he would be so surprised by the question when you talked about it just the previous day.

"Are you okay?" Your question was quiet really, only for his ears but it drew your dad's attention still, the echo of his knife hitting the plate enough to steal your focus. "Are you okay?" you reprised your question to the man opposite of you.

"You're dating my daughter," he wasn't looking at you, eyes burning right into the side of Derek's head before he snapped to meet his gaze, explanation already on his tongue. "You're dating my daughter," he repeated and boy were you lost but by the looks of it you'd be caught up real soon. "You want to move in with my daughter? You?" he had stood up now, plate clinking against the table in the process, glass almost tipping were it not for Derek being fast enough to catch it. "The man who taught me the best way to get a woman to sleep with me wants to move in with my daughter?" Allison swallowed a gasp. You weren't sure who to question first but your dad was moving before you had time to think it through.

"Dad!" you didn't even hesitate before jumping up and moving in front of Derek, stopping the man with your hands firmly on his chest and your face blocking his gaze before he could get close enough to Derek's chair. "Let's take a breath."

"Look, Chris, I can explain."

"Maybe not this second, babe," your tongue slipped, you didn't even realize you'd thrown the petname in there but your dad sure did and it did little to aid your case, even less when Derek stood up behind you, hand falling to your waist out of pure habit as you pushed back a little to stop your dad from moving. "You're the guy he's been playing wingman to?" a little angered nod was all you got in reply. ''And, Der, you're the floozy playboy that's been giving him dating advice?" You couldn't hide your amusement even if you tried your hardest.

"Yes, but this was before I met you and heaven knows not even my best tips worked on her so trust me when I say, Chris, this is different," With his voice back he was brave, very smooth when he took hold of your elbow and guided you behind him. "Look if you want to punch me then I'll give you one free shot but then best believe I'm taking a shot of my own, old man."

"Don't tempt me," your dad was less brave now, narrowed eyes shifting between you and his so-called friend with enough disapproval to write a novel but all he offered was a grunt of defeat. "It goes without saying that I do not even slightly approve of this."

"I don't blame you," your hands gripped his biceps as Derek spoke, you gave a little squeeze to his arms before you peeked your head over his shoulder. "You need time, I get it, we need to talk things out but eventually you'll see that this is different."

"Very," you noted, chin on his shoulder as you nodded, and were it another time anyone would be able to recognize just how cute the gesture was. "He talks a big game, Dad, but he's actually a big uncool softie," you teased and you were happy when Derek smiled, even happier when your dad gave a soft scoff.

"Careful, now," Derek warned and it was entirely not his intent to rub anything in Chris' face but he couldn't even stop himself from pulling you around and into his side, smiling lightly as you looked up at him. "I have a reputation to protect."

"Oh, mister womanizer, how could I forget?" you laughed and stole a glance over the table to where Allison was starting to clean up the dirty dishes. "Why don't you take your brooding self over to the kitchen to help my sister with the dishes and I'll try and convince my dad not to try and murder you again before dessert, " you had no doubt the idea was still very much lingering in his head.

"Yes ma'am," and Chris had to be blind not to notice just how happy you were, just how alarmingly different the little moment between you was to anything he'd seen from Derek before but it would take a hell of a lot more to convince him not to take him out in his sleep.

"So, you had any luck with his advice yet?" It was far too soon to joke about it but you'd not be his daughter if you didn't at least try.

"I need a drink."  

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now