Change the host

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This one is for LeahHollyWalker. Hope you like it.


Leah's pov.

We have been having a really tough time these last few months. First there was the alpha pack that tried to force Derek to kill his pack including me, while also trying to get Scott to join their pack. Then there was a freaken evil Darach that once again wanted to kill everyone. And now one of my best friends -Stiles -is possessed by a Nogitsune. Well that was the first Stiles problem anyway.

At first we thought that we could get rid of the Nogitsune without hurting Stiles but after what happened yesterday we are seriously reconsidering our options. We were having a hard enough time keeping the Oni away from Stiles. We wanted to help him and get rid of the evil fox thingy before they got to him. But get this unfortunate turn of events. Void Stiles  (that was my idea for his new nickname) somehow managed to take control of the Oni.


Void Stiles has been out of control. The Oni attacked Scott, Kira and Stiles at the animal clinic. They escaped into the clinic but then Void Stiles knocked Kira out, he tricked Scott into using all his energy to heal the people Stiles hurt. Leaving Scott weak. Scott got stabbed by one of the Oni and instead of helping him he drained his pain only making Void Stiles stronger. And that is only at the top of the list of twisted things he has been doing.

Dr. Deaton even retrieved a poisonous plant that could aid in defeating the Nogitsune. But that only worked for a little while. Stiles checked himself into the Eichen house for about a day.

He claimed that he wanted to make sure he was far away from his friends and far away from the possibility of hurting anyone else. Yeah that didn't work either. The Nogitsune took over Stiles' mind and he escaped, now even more evil than before.

In the mean time Deaton found this scroll that belonged to this guy called 'Silver finger' that actually proved to be quite helpful. It told us how to defeat the the Nogitsune. The Nogitsune host body needs to change its form in order for it to be removed.

And that is when we thought that maybe this was over. Maybe we could go back to our semi- normal lives. Maybe me and Derek could go back to being in love. But like they say it's the maybe's that kill you..

The Nogitsune kidnapped Lydia. He was now independent and looks exactly like Stiles.


And  now..

"Leah please don't do this." Derek asked as everyone left the loft. We were heading to the internment camp where Lydia was being held. The Nogitsune took control of the Oni and are using them to fight against us.

Derek was worried that I was going to get hurt and he begged me to stay at the loft and wait for everyone to return. To be totally honest I liked that plan a lot more than the current one but Lydia needed me.

I kissed his cheek and whispered I love you before getting in the jeep with Scott and Stiles. Maybe I should've stayed.

Everybody got out and we were soon joined by the Oni and the Nogitsune. Stiles and Scott went to get Lydia. Derek took his place next to me as we were undergoing a very serious stare off with the Oni.

Soon the fighting started. Everybody was fighting their little hearts out. Sadly we weren't doing very good. Despite our best efforts we couldn't seem to hurt the Oni. But then Allison shot a arrow at one of the Oni and he just disappeared.

Everybody stopped in shock.

Then one of the other Oni started making his way towards Allison ready to stab her in the stomach. Scott was making his way towards her too, worry spreading on his face. Before I could stop myself I jumped in front of Allison pushing her out of the way.

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