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Imagine for daddapurrfectkitten. Enjoy.


"Ugg." I groan, shoving my phone back into my pocket just as Deaton removes the needle from my other arm. "Are we almost done?" I ask taking the cotton ball from him and pushing it down onto the little hole. "I've been summoned to tend to my other half." I add and he smiles due to the sarcasm in my voice.

"How are you adjusting to the idea of having a mate?" He questions removing the elastic gloves from his hands.

"I don't know." I answer truthfully fiddling with the bracelet around my arm. "Part of me still thinks it's complete bullshit. He thinks we're fated to be together and my heart burns with pure hatred at the sound of his name."

"It takes time for some wolves." He comments sweetly.

"You don't know that I am a wolf, though. Besides, who decides these things anyway? Who chooses what I am and what I am meant to love. It's ridiculous and it's ancient and it kind of pisses me off." Deaton takes a moment to shift his gaze between my eyes and then clears his throat.

"I'll have the results back in the morning. Hopefully we'll have some answers then. In the meantime..." He places the vile with my blood into a machine before turning back to me. "Go help Derek. Mate or not, he obviously needs you." I take my jacket from his hands without objection and head out of the animal hospital. I step onto the sidewalk just as Peter's car pulls up. He nods my way before throwing open the door.

"Get in." He demands simply and despite the million other things I could be doing I get into the car with him. Derek better be dying or something because this is the second night in a row I've had to spend in his presence. And that's already one night too many.

"What does he need me for this time?" I ask leaning against the window.

"He actually didn't ask for you." Peter looks straight onto the road ahead. "But he will when he comes back."

"Back from where?" I question meeting his gaze.

"Where he is right now." He states simply and I scoff at the vagueness.

"Could you possibly give me a little more than that?" I retort sarcastically. He groans before letting a spiteful smirk onto his lips.

"No." He states as the car suddenly stops. A hoard of screams run towards us and I'm out of the car as soon as Derek's groans fill my head.

I run into the school blindly. Heading towards the sound of his heartbeat as well as many more. But the screams prove to trace back to the bleachers filled with students and parents. The field catches my eye as lacrosse players fight for the goal, Scott looking my way briefly when I stop behind the goalpost. Stiles notices the action and looks over at me as well.

"Where's Derek?" I ask in a whisper, knowing he's already listening. His eyes fill with confusion and I sigh. Without explaining myself I decide to head into the woods closest to the field, hoping that if he's somewhere in there he's alone.

I step carefully, avoiding leaves and branches, making sure to keep everything I do quiet enough to remain hidden. I walk for way too long, only to find myself threading into the pathway that leads to the Hale house. I stop at the stairs, listening for heartbeats and a sense of relief washes over me when I hear only one and it's one that I've come to know well.

I rush into the house, stopping briefly to look at the symbol on the door but ignoring it when a scream echoes through the house. The sound crawls all the way up my spine, making me wince at the pain inside of it.

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now