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"You can't close your eyes, baby," Derek's grin is evident in his voice, the gentle hand brushing over your knee doing little to calm your nerves as you opened your eyes to look at the steering wheel.

Derek had noticed that though you were fine with driving and turning, the stopping-and-going transition made your head a mess, so he thought it best to put a little practice into it.

"Why is it so hard for me?" you sighed, particularly annoyed with yourself that despite plenty of lessons from your far too patient boyfriend, you still couldn't manage the smallest of things to do with driving. "Like this is supposed to be easy, teenagers do it so casually and here I am, messing it up every time."

"You're being too hard on yourself," he breathed and the hand on your knee delivered a light squeeze. "Sometimes we take a little longer to grasp something that someone else is good at, now," he tapped the steering wheel two times, reaching over to turn the car keys and bring the car to life. "From the start."

"You know," you tried, putting on your best bartering face as you gave him a small smile. "We could switch seats again and you can drive us to Mcdonalds for some milkshakes and nuggies- what do you say?"

"I say, start the car and if we get through this without crashing into a wall then I'll get you your nuggies," he was clearly not understanding the bartering thing because he had to know you didn't want the nuggets that damn bad.

"We have food at home too," you noted and without intending to you rested your hands in the perfect position on the steering wheel. "I could drive us there," you were much more eager to do that since home was just a quick turn and a rocky brake away.

"Don't even try, trouble," the car was still starting and without much prompt you stepped on the clutch, giving a far too exaggerated sigh before shifting into first gear, another shaky sigh before you eased the clutch up and stepped onto the petrol a little too hard, the car jumped a little but with a quick shift, you moved forward smoothly. "Good job," Derek praised though you both knew it was only the start so you tried to stay calm as you stepped onto the clutch and then eased onto the brake, surprised when the car didn't die as you stopped.

"I did it," you smiled, momentarily forgetting that you were still behind the wheel and enjoying every second of Derek's little laugh at your excitement. "Now I just need to do it like twenty more times."

"Yeah," he agreed and reached over to turn on the radio, leaning back into his seat with a little shrug. "Just twenty more times and then-"


"Then nuggies." 

𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now