My dork- young Derek

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Your pov.

I walk down the empty hallways of Beacon Hills high school. The gym is empty before school and it is the perfect place to practice my dance routine. Sure I am not really aloud to practice in there. It is before school hours and  I really shouldn't be in there without permission.

I walk into the gym and put my bag down on the bleachers. I take off my leather jacket and put it next to my bag. I take my phone and my portable speaker out of my bag. Pushing play, I turn the volume up to high. There isn't going to be anyone for about two hours so why not.

The dance I was doing was really fun. It was sort of hip hop with a little bit of ballet.

I have been dancing since before I could walk (Apparently). It is my way of escaping from the world, escape from my problems and my worries. When I am dancing I am free. It sounds really weird I know, but it's true.

I was at the start of my routine. My ponytail swinging around as I dance. When the sound of whistling and cheering made me stop. I turned to the door. And there they were. Derek Hale and his crew. His crew being the senior basketball team.

I decided to ignore them and just keep dancing since I was here first. The boys started bouncing there basketball balls up and down on the wooden floors making it impossible to follow the beat.

"Oh for goodness sake would you stop with the noise. I am trying to practice here!" I shouted making Derek and the rest of the team turn to face me.

"Yeah well princess so are we." Derek replied with a very annoying and yet very cute smirk.

Okay to be totally honest I might have a teeny tiny crush on Derek Hale. I mean come on those chocolate brown eyes, those dimples and don't even get me started on his smile. But so far I have managed to hide it well. Acting is one of my other talents.

"Well pretty boy I was here first and as far as I know the rules of the gym has always been first come first serve." I replied while crossing my arms. Derek walked closer to me, the smirk on his face not fading even a little.

"Wanna play a game." He asked catching the ball one of his team mates passed him.

"Depends." I answered even though it was pretty obvious where this was heading.

"Okay if you can take the ball from me, we will let you practice in peace an if you lose you have to do anything I want. Only one thing don't worry y/n." I looked at his friends and then back at him.

"Promise?" He chuckled looking at the ground and then back at me.


He started dribbling the ball and I got a little nervous. It was scary how little I knew about basketball. Sure my dad tried to teach me but after a while he decided it would be easier to just give up.

Derek kept moving around while dribbling the ball. I got really close to taking the ball a few times but he would block my hands or jump away. Then I actually remembered something my dad said.

Find a weakness.

I looked away from the ball and looked at Derek. He was looking at me. There it is, he is cocky. Instead of keeping his eyes on the ball he is looking at me.

I started stepping closer towards him forcing him to back up until his back was against the wall. I moved even closer until our faces were inches apart. I placed my hands on his chest slowly moving them up to his neck.

The ball fell from his grip. I smiled and leaned in a little closer so my mouth was by his ear. "I win." I whispered. Derek took a deep breath and giggled stepping away from him before bending down to grab the ball.

I turned back to him and he was still standing with his back against the wall. I actually won. Well that's what I thought. As soon as I turned around I felt a arm wrap around my waist. Derek took the ball out of my hand and threw it across the room while his one arm still had a tight grip around my waist.

He spun me around so that we were face to face. He placed both of his hands on my hips. "Actually.. I win." He winked at me. Oh my goodness is he flirting with me. Probably not I mean he is the captain of the basketball team and I am, well I am y/n y/l/n I am the girl who helps him with his homework.

"Okay you win. So what do you want." I asked avoiding eye contact. He pulled me even closer to him.

"A date." My eyes shot up from the ground.

"Is this some kind of cruel joke. Because if it is th-"

" No y/n it is not a joke. I really like you. You are an amazing girl. And I would like to go on a date with you."

I smiled looking back at the ground trying to hide the fact that I am blushing, which is hard considering the fact that were so close. Derek removed one hand from my hip and placed his thumb on my chin making me look up at him.

"So what do you say, dinner and a movie ?" 

"You are such a dork." He flashed me a cheeky smile.

"Yeah but I could be your dork.." I wouldn't mind that at all. Derek Hale.. my dork.


xoxo..* M

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