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Thank you so much to @BitmojiBitch for writing this imagine! They have been a big help since I'm trying to get back on track with writing! Go give them a follow! <3



*Y/n's POV*

"Ooh, look it's {y/l/n}." Pansy calls out as I walk by. I don't look up at her, but just keep walking. I used to be the type of girl who wouldn't tolerate these sorts of things and would stand up for what's right, but Pugface changed all that.

"Not going to do anything this time?" she sneers. She just wants a reaction, I think to myself, just walk on and keep your head down. Pansy, obviously annoyed that I'm not reacting, takes things up a notch. She struts over and 'accidently' knock me down.

I fall to the cold stone floor and hit my head. The pain pierces throw my head and through my whole body. I also landed funny on my arm. Tears begin to form as I try to stand back up. Once I manage to do so, I walk to the hospital wing.

Madam Pomfrey fixes me up and advises me to take the rest of the day off, as the injury on my head will only get worse with the more work I do.

I got back to my dorm and flopped down on the bed. Why did Pugface have to chose me? I'm just going to relax until Draco gets back from classes. Then I can relax completely relax.

*Draco's POV*

{Y/n} hasn't shown up to any of our classes today and I'm beginning to worry. I miss her. I hope she's ok. I overheard Pansy saying that {y/n} fell down, but no one has seen her since. Let's just hope everything is alright.

*When Draco's classes are over he goes back to his dorm to see {y/n} curled up fast asleep on his bed*

"{Y/n}? Princess?" I gently asked her. {Y/n} was fast asleep on my bed. I was going to hop in next to her, but she was in the middle of the bed and I needed her to move over. I place my bag down and gently slide my arms underneath her small body. She rolls over and I see she has her left arm all bandaged up. I lift her up and move onto her side of the bed. She stirs and rubs her eyes.

"Hi," she mumbles.

"Hi beautiful." I say back to her, kissing her forehead. I change out of my uniform and get into a pair of sweatpants and plain white t-shirt. "Where were you today? You had me worried sick." I lay down in the bed next to her, pull her into my chest, being mindful of her arm and begin to stroke her {y/h/c} hair.

*{Y/n}'s POV*

There was the question I was dreading all day. I never lied to Draco. But this time I really needed to, so for the first time, I lied to him.

"You know, clumsy me. Tripped over my own feet and hit my head and landed funny on my arm. Madam Pomfrey told me to take the rest of the day off cause my head would just get worse the more I worked. So I came up here, got changed into your clothes and fell asleep about 3 hours." I lied. This would just lead to more lies.

"Ok, well I hope you feel better soon love." He kissed my hair. "How bout we just stay here and cuddle and skip dinner? How does that sound?"

I nodded, "I like the sound of that." And with that we fell asleep in each other's arms


*The next day, walking to class*

I was just casually walking to class, as usual. Draco was a few steps behind me, as we left his dorm a few minutes after each other so that people wouldn't get suspicious of our secret relationship.

Pansy and her crew were just around the corner, so I ducked my head down and quickened my pace.

"Oh, hey, {y/l/n}! What's the damage from yesterday? Just a broken arm." She sighs. "Thought I hit you harder than that. You deserve more pain than that you little slut." Pansy turns back to her gang and make a signal with her hands and they all walk up to me.

One opens my bag and takes all my things out, spilling the contents to the ground. Another yanks on my ponytail. Then the last one, kicks be in the back of my knees, causing me to fall.

I stand back up, fix my hair and turn around to gather my things. But when I turn around, I see Draco with an astonished look on his face. He mouths 'did they do that to you?" and motions to my arm. I nod then mouth back, 'I'm ok though, no need to worry'.

Once I've gathered all my things, I continue walking but Pansy gets in my way again.

"What were you and Draco talking about?" Her face looks hurt, because the Slytherin Prince was talking with me and not her.

"Nothing that concerns you." I remark back. She pushes me back slightly, but not enough that I would fall.

"I'll ask you one more time, what were you and Draco talking about?"

"None of your business" She raises her hand and smacks me across the face. My hand flies up to wear she hit me and I can feel the blood rushing to the area. There's gonna be a mark there, I think.

"Alright Parkinson, that's enough of the bullshit. Fuck off and leave {y/n} alone. And I swear to God, if you lay another hand on her, I will personally make sure that you have a terrible life." Draco comes up to Pansy, shouting at her. I completely forgot that he was there.

"Draco? Why are you defending her? She's a slutty whore. Don't tell me that you have a crush on her?" Pansy looks devestated. Everyone knows that Pansy wants to have Draco all to herself.

"{y/n} isn't a slutty whore. She is an amazing human being unlike you, and I'm in love with her. We've been secretly going out for the past 5 months. She deserves nothing but happiness. I'm a better person because of {y/n}. I love her." Draco says. I feel tears form in my eyes. That was the first time that he said he loved me.

I ran to him and half hugged him because of my arm. "I love you too!"

He wraps his arms around my waist and plants kissed in my hair, "tell me next time someone's giving you a hard time."

I pull out of the hug and smile, "I will"

Then we close the space between us and press our lips to each other's, forgetting all about the group of people gathered around us.

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