Pretend boyfriend

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He wasn't supposed to fall for you but he did. Draco Malfoy had fallen for a quiet Hufflepuff girl named Y/n.

Draco would usually talk to her in the hall way or follow her to the library to study with her.

You didn't find it annoying or anything. You enjoyed the company. Even if people told you to stop talking to him because he was cold and rude. You found Draco to be a kind and kind of handsome guy.

Of course Draco wasn't the only one who had a crush on you. Even though you were oblivious to anyone who had a crush on you since you study a lot and don't take the hint, Ernie Macmillan also had a crush on you. Since you were in the same house as him, he would always sit next to you in the common room or help you with your homework.

When Draco wasn't around to steal you away of course.

Draco got jealous of you and Ernie quickly.

Today was one of those days.

You and Ernie were talking in the corridor, waiting for your other friends to arrive from class.

"Y/n? I was wondering if you were free to go to Hogsmede this weekend? With me?" Ernie asks. You were stunned, why would anyone ask you on a date?


"She's not free this weekend because she's going with me, I'm her boyfriend after all." Draco sneers, wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. You blush and look down.

"Well I thought she was available, seeing as she's never around you Malfoy." Ernie says, getting angry.

"Well you don't need to know when she's around me, it's not your duty to control her love life, now excuse us, we have somewhere to be." Draco says, taking you down the hall and into a broom closet.

"Why are we in a broom closet?" You ask.

"Uhh I actually don't know." Draco blushes.

"Thanks for saving me back there I guess." You blush.

"No worries, I've kind of liked you for a long time." Draco says, blushing even harder then before.

"I-I've liked you for a long time too Draco." You say blushing.

"Will you be my official girlfriend Y/n?" Draco asks.

"Sure!" You say smiling.

You kiss Draco happily. He gladly kisses you back.

"That was my first kiss." You blush.

"I'm glad I was the one you kissed first, love." Draco smiles, kissing you again.

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