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I know another imagine in this book is called 'stress' but I didn't know what else to call this imagine..

I was gonna called it regrets but I have another idea which has that title ;)


"Daddy! I wanna come with you!" Scorpius whines. Draco smiles and picks up his four year old son.

"Sure Scorpius, I'm sure mummy wouldn't mind." He smiles and takes him into the living room where you were lying down and reading a book.

You were pregnant with your second child, your second child was going to be a girl and you were beyond excited.

"Mummy? Is it okay if I go to work with daddy? I promise I won't be naughty." Your three year old son says.

You nod and put your book down.

"Sure honey, I'll come by later if you want." You smile and kiss his cheek.

Scorpius squeals and Draco puts Scorpius down. Scorpius does a little dance before running to put his shoes on.

You and Draco laugh. You stand up and he kisses you before getting his things and heading to work.

"Ok Scorp, you can sit over there." Draco says, pointing to the black leather sofa that was in his office.

Scorpius nods before rubbing and jumping onto the sofa, getting his colouring book from his bag and colouring in the pictures in the book.

One hour later Draco was getting very stressed. Someone had stolen some dark artefact from the ministry and it was his responsibility to find out who it was.

"Mr Malfoy? The minister wants to see you."

Draco stands up and tells Scorpius to stay in his office. Draco locks the door and quickly walks down to the ministers office.

Scorpius was confused. He stood up and tried to open the door. It was locked.

He frowned and looked around the room. He sighed and waited for his father to come back.

About 20 minutes later, Draco came back looking even more stressed.

"Daddy? What's wrong?" Scorpius asks.

"It doesn't matter Scorpius." He says, sitting down angrily.

"It looks like there is something wrong." He pouts and climbs off the sofa and heads over to Draco.

"Daddy?" He says, holding his sketch book.


You were about to speak when you walked through the door but you stopped when you saw Draco push Scorpius harshly away.

Scorpius burst into tears. You knew Draco was stressed but you didn't think he would push Scorpius and make him almost fall over into the bookshelf behind him.

"Draco! What do you think you are doing!" You snap before picking up Scorpius.

"I know your stressed but don't take your anger out on your son you idiot!" You say before rushing out Draco's office.

Draco looked shocked. He regretted what he did instantly and put his head in his hands.


"It's okay Scorpius, at least you didn't get hurt." You smile and sit Scorpius on his bed.

You two had gone out for dinner and also got ice cream before heading back home.

"I know mummy but daddy was annoyed and I wanted to see why he was a-annoyed." He sighs. You smile sadly and brush some of his hair out his face.

"I know hun, I know. Go brush your teeth and get changed and I'll come tuck you in." You smile. He smiles and jumps off his bed and rushes to get ready for bed.

You laugh and head out his room to get ready for bed yourself too.

You came back into Scorpius's room to see him getting into bed. You rush over and tuck him in.

"Goodnight mummy, love you." He smiles.

"I love you too, goodnight." You smile and head out his room, turning off his light in the process.

Once you put Scorpius to bed, you read a book for a bit that was sitting on your bedside table before deciding to sleep.

Carrying your daughter in your stomach was extremely tiring.

Draco had just came into the house after a long day of work.

He sighed and ate his dinner that was in the oven then head upstairs to apologise to Scorpius.

He quietly opens the door and looks at Scorpius who looked asleep.

"I'm sorry Scorpius, I love you. Goodnight." Draco smiles and kisses his head before closing the door behind him.

Scorpius opened his eyes and smiled.

Draco then headed to his shared room with you and quickly got changed and brushed his teeth. He then got into bed next to you.

He looked down at your peaceful sleeping face.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around you.

You opened your eyes. You were half awake but you looked up at Draco and frowned.

He sighed and pulled you close.

"I'm sorry. I was just extremely stress and I-,"

Draco was interrupted by you kissing him.

He smiled and kissed you back.

You broke the kiss and looked up at him.

"I know you were stressed and you had no right to hurt our son but I forgive you because I know you regretted it." You say.

He nods and caresses your baby bump.

"I'm happy our little family is growing." He says.

You smile and nod.

"Me too."

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now