Destiny pt.1

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Hello! I will do a part two!

I am trying to write lots of imagines so I can have a schedule for when I am going to post imagines instead of rushing and writing them last minute!

(This also might make me a little less stressed lol)

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!! <3


21 minutes.

Just 21 minutes until you meet your soulmate.

Most people meet their soulmates at 16/17 but you were 11. Sitting in a train cart, alone with your cat meow meow. (ok don't bully I actually wanna name my cat meow meow if I get one in the future lmao)

You had so many questions running through your mind. The timer on your wrist ticking down and down more slowly then you wanted it to go.

You sighed and looked out the window. You could see Hogwarts. You gasped and smiled. This place you would all home for many years.

The train suddenly stopped meaning you were here. You got off the train and followed all the first years to the boats that were going to lead us to Hogwarts.

You found yourself on a boat with a boy named Neville and Dean. They were nice and you were happy you found some new friends.

You three talked about your timers. Neville had a couple years until he would meet his soulmate. So did Dean. You sighed and told them you had a couple minutes until you would meet your soulmate.

The gasped and cheered for you. You thanked them. You were happy you had found some new friends. The only thing that made you a little bit disappointed is that they wouldn't find there soulmate for sometime and that made you feel a little more scared.

Were you too young to know who your soulmate was?

'I'm only 11.' you thought.

Before you knew it, you found yourself in front of the great hall doors. You were distracted by looking at the scenery around you. You paid no attention to the people in front of you having an argument.

Soon, all the first years were in front of the sorting hat in the great hall. All of the other years were looking at them. You felt nervous. You were shaking. Your hands felt clammy.

Just 2 minutes. 2 minutes until you would meet your soulmate. Well, see them.

The sorting into houses had begun. You were nervous. You didn't know what house you were going to be in, let alone seeing your soulmate in a couple minutes.

"Draco Malfoy."

You look up. That name gave you butterflies.

You see a boy with slicked back hair walking up to the stool. He sits down, smirking. The hat wasn't even placed on his head. He was sorted into Slytherin.

You glance down at the timer on your wrist to see how many seconds are left. There is none.

A name was where the timer was. The name they just called out seconds ago.

It's him.

It's Draco Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now