Thunder and lightning

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"Y/n where are you?"

You and Draco were currently staying at his manor while his parents had to leave to go on a business trip for the weekend.

Another rumble of thunder occurs and Draco hears a squeal from his room.

He goes up stairs to see you at the window with a blanket wrapped around you. You saw another flash of lightning at you gasped in awe. You loved thunder and lightning.

Draco smiles and wraps his arms around your waist and putting his head on your shoulder.

You smile.

"This is nice." Draco says.

"Yeah, I love thunderstorms! They are so peaceful. But I used to be scared of them when I was a little girl." You say.

"I've never been bothered by them, sure they can scare you a bit but they are almost completely harmless." He says.

You laugh. After watching the thunderstorm for a couple more minutes, you both decide to watch some muggle tv downstairs.

Soon enough the storm stopped and you were very sad.

"Why are you so sad love?"

"The storm stopped Draco." You pout

"Don't worry love, there might be another one soon." Draco smiles and puts one of his arms around your shoulders and you snuggle into him.

"Your the best Draco!"

"Thanks Y/n."


This is so bad and really short, I'm so sorry :(

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