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I updated the book cover for this book teehee

Yes, I'm doing an imagine about being in lockdown since I've been stuck in the house for around 6 weeks and I miss my friends. Anyways enjoy this imagine ☺️


"Y/nnnnnn...I'm bored." Draco whines.

Your husband, Draco and your son we're stuck inside Malfoy manor because of this virus going around muggles. Of course you are alike with muggles but you use magic so you could also get it.

Your son had to continue his work at home and you and your husband stayed home from work.

"Well I have housework to do babe, so go help Scorpius with his school work or something." You say preoccupied with cleaning to kitchen.

You had told Draco you didn't want house elves because you felt sorry for them for doing so much hard work.

"Fineeeee." You husband says and leaving the room, you giggle and clean the kitchen.


Your lie on top of your shared bedroom with Draco. You were reading a book when Draco suddenly lies down on top of you, crushing you.

You quickly put your book down to the side and wrap your arms around your husband.

"I'm very bored." Says Draco kissing your neck lightly.

You giggle and run your hands through his hair.

"Me too, I don't know when we can go out again, the ministry is doing what the muggle prime minister is doing so we gotta stay inside hun." You say.

"I know baby." He says and hovers on top of you and smashes his lips against yours.

Soon his top is on the floor and he was about to take yours off when..

"EWWWW GROSS!" Your son shrieks.

Draco jumps away and sits next to you as Scorpius is standing in the door way in horror.

You laugh and stand up to put your arms around him.

"I'm sorry baby you had to witness that." You say sympathetically, "Your father just wanted attention."

Draco pouts. "Yeah I just wanted attention from your mother buddy."

"Well all I wanted to say was I'm going to go to sleep now." Scorpius says letting go of you.

"Okay night Scorp, love you." You say kissing his head.

"I love you too mum, night dad!" Scorpius says and closes the door.

Draco chuckles. You flop onto the bed.

"Just put a shirt on Dray, I'm going to brush my teeth." You say.

"But whyyyyy? We both know you love my naked body." He smirks and follows you to the bathroom.

"Wow Draco your so cocky." You smile and brushing your teeth.

After brushing your teeth you find Draco in bed waiting for you like a lost puppy.

You laugh and get into bed, turning off the light and cuddling into Draco.

He wraps his arms around you.

"Goodnight wife."

"Goodnight husband."

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now