The common room

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I've been having a lot of motivation to write recently sooo here is another imagine! <3


"Y/nnnnnnnnn.." your boyfriend whines.

"What Draco?" You say, occupied with finishing your homework for potions that was due for tomorrow.

You were currently sat at a table in the common room whereas Draco was on the sofa near the fire. You were the only people in the common room since it was late at night.

"Can I have a kiss?" He asks.

"Not right now Dray, I wanna finish this homework off for potions tomorrow." you say.

He groans and sits next to you and wraps his arms around you, burying his head in your neck.

You giggle.

"Why you so affectionate tonight?" You ask still giggling and putting you homework away.

"I just want a kiss from my amazing, hot, sexy girlfriend." He smirks. You blush and stand up. He whines.

"Stop being a baby." You say and sitting on the sofa. He sits next to you and pulls you onto his lap. You squeal.

"Hi Y/n." He says innocently. You laugh.

"Hi babe." You say running your hands through his hair.

"Can I have my kiss now?" He asks.

"Sure." You smile.

He instantly presses his lips to yours. You squeal again as his slips his tongue into your mouth, you moan and straddle him.

Let's just say..he took you to his dorm and things weren't as innocent as they intended to be.

Draco Malfoy Imagines ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now